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Help with my lineup


Rookie 3

If this is my NBA lineup and I want to gain the most from the new cosmic Masters my Carter is going to be at 1:07 before the promotion ends and he'll replace Joel my lowest is dikembe 104 next to the dikembe is a 103 which ones are the Masters do you guys recommend for me to work on


Rookie 1
NA means not auctionable? If so only the first two are not auctionable
SF is the only position you can sell for coins, unless you want to have another N/A PG or SG I would go for the player that you can sell for coins and get a player upgrade from.


Rookie 3
Unfortunately with only 1 mil there aren't a lot of options for noticable improvement outside of grinding this promo
I'm grinding this promo for sure I'm just not moving it anywhere near the pace of everybody I'm seeing here even though I'm looking back on it often and not wasting any time with stamina which I have 340 of I open everything and play everything I Do the refills watch the videos do the daily objectives but for some reason the pace that I'm moving at looking and everybody else is about 30% to 40% slower I'm not sure if it's because I'm only a level 47 would not enough stamina or something else or because I'm not spending any real money


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I'm grinding this promo for sure I'm just not moving it anywhere near the pace of everybody I'm seeing here even though I'm looking back on it often and not wasting any time with stamina which I have 340 of I open everything and play everything I Do the refills watch the videos do the daily objectives but for some reason the pace that I'm moving at looking and everybody else is about 30% to 40% slower I'm not sure if it's because I'm only a level 47 would not enough stamina or something else or because I'm not spending any real money
Well a lot of people here are veterans so we keep our bonus packs u til they have a use because outside of promos like this with a bunch of collectibles there isn't a reason to open them after claiming them so that helped a lot for those that had a bunch saved up which is my guess why you're "behind" also focus on the 1st wins of the last 3 constellations with token events because those events give 3 tokens per 25 stamina then do the 1st wins of the other 2 constellations that give 2 tokens per 25 stamina if you have the stamina for it between refreshes of the events


Rookie 3
Well a lot of people here are veterans so we keep our bonus packs u til they have a use because outside of promos like this with a bunch of collectibles there isn't a reason to open them after claiming them so that helped a lot for those that had a bunch saved up which is my guess why you're "behind" also focus on the 1st wins of the last 3 constellations with token events because those events give 3 tokens per 25 stamina then do the 1st wins of the other 2 constellations that give 2 tokens per 25 stamina if you have the stamina for it between refreshes of the events
To get to the third event you mentioned where the 25 gives you 3 what is my overall team have to be?


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