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Haunted Elevator Trial Brandon Ingram, worth grinding?


Pro 1
do you continue to get the other collectibles in the following wins? otherwise it's better than repeating the 20 stamina events.

still not an interesting option in my view.

maybe for lakers fans
I am doing it on my main while I grind SD on my alt. I figure he may come in useful for the new lineups. However, maxing him out will be impossible without spending NBA cash on stamina.


Rookie 1
When I replayed, I received 3 Spellbooks and 1 Gold Ingram.

Does anybody know the level up requirements? Would surely be absurd if they were the same as Elevate Russ/Blake for a one-day event.


Rookie 1
Good point. I thought about this too. I?ve got some elites but mainly golds when grinding the event. As commondjapan says, if the training requirements are the same as the other elevate players all the way through, no way to do this without way more stamina, unless they starting dropping elites much more regularly


Rookie 1
So far it?s been 400 training points each level 72-75. 600 TP for level 76. That?s as far as I got so far. Anyone got 89 and above yet? How is that compared to elevate players, I don?t remember.


Rookie 1
Wow, so it jumps pretty quickly. I can't see the value in grinding for that, unless you need spellbooks.


Rookie 1
This thing is unauctionable as well? not even worth the grind at all and even if u use stamina final level is nearly impossible to achieve unless you use 1 million stamina refill lol.... on the top of that we dont even know that STATS of the card?


Rookie 1
Dhitman of YouTube have a video on this. He upgraded Ingram up to 85. Bought a lot of packs using nba cash. The stats are not so impressive for an 85 ovr.
Only the primary stats matter. If he's an 85 OVR he's going to be competitive in the current landscape. You'd have to be an Ingram fan to want to max him out, though.
He will probably have stats that don?t tell the whole picture, like how Westbrook and Blake are. Even still, I?ll pass on him. I do not like him at all lol.
I managed to get him to an 80 without buying one of those packs. Not bad for a day's grind.
I got him to 80 too. Only thing I don't like is having to spend coins on the upgrade for what will inevitably be set fodder lol

Hahaha. I believe we are actually stuck wit these type of cards, kind of like the 5 "Academy Silvers" that cant go in sets or be auctioned

Edit: After checking, Ingram is currently eligible for the Gold Trade Up 2! That's cool, I guess. Does that mean he's able to be put into an elite set once he hits 80?? The elevates were never set eligible...I am still stuck with that Kawhi that we can't level up unless we buy the store pack that was available for like a day lol


All-Star 3
I managed to get him to an 80 without buying one of those packs. Not bad for a day's grind.
I got him to 80 too. Only thing I don't like is having to spend coins on the upgrade for what will inevitably be set fodder lol

Hahaha. I believe we are actually stuck wit these type of cards, kind of like the 5 "Academy Silvers" that cant go in sets or be auctioned
Those silvers annoy me so much!


All-Star 1
I got him to 80 too. Only thing I don't like is having to spend coins on the upgrade for what will inevitably be set fodder lol

Hahaha. I believe we are actually stuck wit these type of cards, kind of like the 5 "Academy Silvers" that cant go in sets or be auctioned
Those silvers annoy me so much!

Last year they would've been a godsend. This year it hasn't been a problem primarily because there's little use for bronze and silvers other than the exchange set and once you get 70-74 golds your only avenue was selling them for cheap. So having players to be able to exchange your bench and starters hasn't been an issue but last year, I often had to buy bronze or silvers in the AH because I kept such a low inventory of players.


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