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Haunted Elevator Trial Brandon Ingram, worth grinding?


All-Star 1
I got him to 80 too. Only thing I don't like is having to spend coins on the upgrade for what will inevitably be set fodder lol

Hahaha. I believe we are actually stuck wit these type of cards, kind of like the 5 "Academy Silvers" that cant go in sets or be auctioned
Those silvers annoy me so much!

Last year they would've been a godsend. This year it hasn't been a problem primarily because there's little use for bronze and silvers other than the exchange set and once you get 70-74 golds your only avenue was selling them for cheap. So having players to be able to exchange your bench and starters hasn't been an issue but last year, I often had to buy bronze or silvers in the AH because I kept such a low inventory of players.
Hahaha. I believe we are actually stuck wit these type of cards, kind of like the 5 "Academy Silvers" that cant go in sets or be auctioned
Those silvers annoy me so much!

Last year they would've been a godsend. This year it hasn't been a problem primarily because there's little use for bronze and silvers other than the exchange set and once you get 70-74 golds your only avenue was selling them for cheap. So having players to be able to exchange your bench and starters hasn't been an issue but last year, I often had to buy bronze or silvers in the AH because I kept such a low inventory of players.

Yes, I think that's probably why they made them that way but they should just make it so we can just swap the bench with starters with no middle man. (I saw Brian say they are working towards that but who knows the priority of it)


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