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"Halloween Heroes and Masters" gain 10 OVR on Halloween


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Only Davis, Kawhi, Sprewell, Wallace, and perhaps Rozier (comes out on Halloween so we don't know if he'll start out as a 95 when he's released) as they are the only ones that are Hallowen promo heroes or masters


Rookie 1
Only Davis, Kawhi, Sprewell, Wallace, and perhaps Rozier (comes out on Halloween so we don't know if he'll start out as a 95 when he's released) as they are the only ones that are Hallowen promo heroes or masters

Yeah they will show him as 95 on the pack to make people spend lol, even his 85 got some nice stats tho


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Only Davis, Kawhi, Sprewell, Wallace, and perhaps Rozier (comes out on Halloween so we don't know if he'll start out as a 95 when he's released) as they are the only ones that are Hallowen promo heroes or masters

Yeah they will show him as 95 on the pack to make people spend lol, even his 85 got some nice stats tho

Yeah that sounds like EA lol but yeah good stats for sure


Rookie 1
How is the Free 87 AD ^_^ it is so easy promo after getting a lot of free elites, isnt it? like everyday 2 free elites ^_^


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How is the Free 87 AD ^_^ it is so easy promo after getting a lot of free elites, isnt it? like everyday 2 free elites ^_^

It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean


Rookie 1
How is the Free 87 AD ^_^ it is so easy promo after getting a lot of free elites, isnt it? like everyday 2 free elites ^_^

It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean

Those words are for many friends. I have no interests on you. Don't worry. And don't judge people if you don't know them. It is free in term of coins for us, but maybe it is not for you. This is the easiest promo so far, even easier than Tip-off promo. And good luck later in the next promo. ^_^ A smile is a smile.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How is the Free 87 AD ^_^ it is so easy promo after getting a lot of free elites, isnt it? like everyday 2 free elites ^_^

It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean

Those words are for many friends. I have no interests on you. Don't worry. And don't judge people if you don't know them. It is free in term of coins for us, but maybe it is not for you. This is the easiest promo so far, even easier than Tip-off promo. And good luck later in the next promo. ^_^ A smile is a smile.

It is not free for anyone there's a difference between free and cheap if you kept all 4 cards it is not free or cheap if you sold the heroes and kept AD it is cheap and if you sold all 4 then you made profit but don't play games with me I know exactly what you're up to there is no trolling allowed here so cut it out it definitely involved me and you just admitted it involving others so final warning stop trying to troll
How is the Free 87 AD ^_^ it is so easy promo after getting a lot of free elites, isnt it? like everyday 2 free elites ^_^

It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean

Those words are for many friends. I have no interests on you. Don't worry. And don't judge people if you don't know them. It is free in term of coins for us, but maybe it is not for you. This is the easiest promo so far, even easier than Tip-off promo. And good luck later in the next promo. ^_^ A smile is a smile.

The market has changed considerably now. It won't be cheap to complete the next promo if they remove the trade-in sets and people can sell promo elites for higher prices. The trade-in sets were designed as a make good for the AH problems. There is no guarantee they will be part of the next promo.


Rookie 1
It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean

Those words are for many friends. I have no interests on you. Don't worry. And don't judge people if you don't know them. It is free in term of coins for us, but maybe it is not for you. This is the easiest promo so far, even easier than Tip-off promo. And good luck later in the next promo. ^_^ A smile is a smile.

It is not free for anyone there's a difference between free and cheap if you kept all 4 cards it is not free or cheap if you sold the heroes and kept AD it is cheap and if you sold all 4 then you made profit but don't play games with me I know exactly what you're up to there is no trolling allowed here so cut it out it definitely involved me and you just admitted it involving others so final warning stop trying to troll



Rookie 1
It's not free I'm not sure what you don't get about that and this thread has nothing to do with that so are you stalking me trying to prove a point because all those smilies you put in your post show that you're trying to pull something without saying what you mean

Those words are for many friends. I have no interests on you. Don't worry. And don't judge people if you don't know them. It is free in term of coins for us, but maybe it is not for you. This is the easiest promo so far, even easier than Tip-off promo. And good luck later in the next promo. ^_^ A smile is a smile.

The market has changed considerably now. It won't be cheap to complete the next promo if they remove the trade-in sets and people can sell promo elites for higher prices. The trade-in sets were designed as a make good for the AH problems. There is no guarantee they will be part of the next promo.

^_^ Yes.


Rookie 3
Well, people have different opinion about being free. For some as long as you don't cash out real money it's free whether you spent in-game currency such as rep, coins or nba cash. In my opinion, it's free since i got him without spending real cash, but it is not that easy. Also, luck with chances packs still play on this one. I know someone mentioned about combination of money, luck and time and if you got 2 of either of them you have high chance of success for a promo.


Rookie 3
@stewie, i have the same first impression on this GOGO guy that he is just a troll, but thought may be he is just trying to be helpful or friendly. But it's internet so your call to give him a warning.
@GOGO, better try proving that you really not a troll


Rookie 3
@gogo..., ffs man.. it was never free, we discussed this days ago.. there was approx 10-15k outlay per elite, now, with #3, you are LUCKY if you get all current elites
Stop spruking #FAKENEWS :D :D :D


Rookie 3
Thanks betaman. I was too focused counting how many bats are there in the haunted house that i missed those texts.
Thanks betaman. I was too focused counting how many bats are there in the haunted house that i missed those texts.

Lolllll :lol: :lol: I was one of the unlucky users that for some reason can?t see the full text, just half of it. All I saw was the number 10 and a few other words. Even updated my system so it must be something on EAs side


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