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Gameplay problems - rebounding...


Rookie 1
I posted review of this game on Google Play. I gave 3 stars. This is why (copied review):
"I gave 5 stars at beginning, but I soon realized you have to change a lot of things in the app . 1. when going for layup or dunk, players often go through each other. This happens to me on offense and defense. Very annoying on defense because my player has high defensive rating which means nothing. 2. Offensive rebounding (switch) it often happens that it switches to wrong player when my opponent misses the shot resulting in easy offensive rebound for him. I dont like using autoplay for this."
If you really disagree, I will start recording my gameplay to show you. My background: 97 ovr (nba lineup), average player, never bought anything with real money, I frequently get to NBA legend rank, once top 2500, but I cant repeat that after reset. It takes a lot of time and stupidity. I think its pretty easy to get to NBA legend. Only difference between me and some top 2500 guys is ovr. They have...
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Unfortunately this is how its been for a while. Especially if your at a disadvantage. Being a 97ovr, any team over 98 will unfortunately go through, around, & over your players. It doesn't go away when your at an advantage but its much less buffoonery.


Rookie 1
They haven't fixed 90% of the gameplay problems in 3 years, while introducing new issues with their 'enhancements'.


Rookie 1
Lol boosts, players abmormally rated over 99 ovr which makes no sense st all to me. 0 plays to run. Its all about some stats. Sometimes I ask myself if my 85 3pt shooter is better than 90+. For example, I always brick with my Porzingis 90+ 3pt while I make them with some Paul George card which is 85 ovr.


Rookie 1
Dont expect to get rebounds being a 97 ovr at almost the end of the season
That means nothing if my Hakeem is 103 ovr, with 106 def rebound (because of Parish card boost) and Kevin Garnett card 98 ovr, 107 def rebound. Tell me why SGs or SFs outrebound me, not Centers or PFs.
If you go against players with higher ovr they will outrebound you, no matter the position they play. This is a totally arcade game.

I mean, even a silver player have a high chance of stealing a diagonal pass from you.


Rookie 1
Stats are more of a secondary element in this game. The random difficulty they assign and the OVR system override almost everything most of the time.

You can be a 110, yet lose badly against a 106, grabbing zero rebounds or missing perfect release, open shots. Then right in the next match against a 112, you steal the ball five times in a row and crush the opponent by 18 points.

It's more luck than skill when it comes to gameplay. You don't have as much control as you think you have over how the game turns out.


Rookie 1
Short to say, this game sucks.... but if you got nothing to do in life at all, so yea, playing this can kill some times.

I didn't play this game at all for about a week and I just started last month, then I tried to play it again, and I wonder why people even wasted not just all their time but real money on this game? LMAO.

Look at that duos campaign, there are a few people who already got heaps of coins, spent about $100-200 real money to hurry their race in getting the 110 duos? For what? A pair of them now cost only 4 millions coins, and they all have shit stats other than 109 KD..


Rookie 1
Stats are more of a secondary element in this game. The random difficulty they assign and the OVR system override almost everything most of the time.

You can be a 110, yet lose badly against a 106, grabbing zero rebounds or missing perfect release, open shots. Then right in the next match against a 112, you steal the ball five times in a row and crush the opponent by 18 points.

It's more luck than skill when it comes to gameplay. You don't have as much control as you think you have over how the game turns out.

And the system will somehow increase or decrease players ability depends on our winning rate. Anyone realise this?

Basically, NBALM wanted us to lose more than winning. However, when you do losing too many times, your players will eventually become MUCH BETTER in shooting threes, going through players, or simply rebounding of which I guess the result of the system reducing the ability of our opponents even if they have good OVR.

Same happen if you win too many, from out of no where, your players won't be able to make 3s, can't rebound, and your opponents which often actually bots that design to beat you, can make impossible 3s ALL THE TIME.

Yet, people playing this game all day. We all should start playing Call of Duty Mobile. Lol


Rookie 1
Just got to NBA legend yesterday. I uninstalled the game and won't come back until they fix basic problems. Straight trash, even winning isn't fun when you know how you win.


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