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Free agency pack pulls


Rookie 1
Pulled some heat from the 499 pack - Boogie. Seen one with a 12m bid so I posted mines for 12.5m and minutes later that one that had the bid got sold for 17m, crazy.


Wow! Didn?t even know that card exists ! Boosts are amazing +4 tpt +4 msa
There?s one on my AH for 18M !!!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Pulled some heat from the 499 pack - Boogie. Seen one with a 12m bid so I posted mines for 12.5m and minutes later that one that had the bid got sold for 17m, crazy.


I tried to sell mine 5 times from as low as 6 mil bid to as high as 20 mil bin and the bot didn't bother until I dropped to 5 mil but then the bot sold it for 15+ mil multiple times so they screwed me out of 10 mil


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Mine sold on the first post, I did 12,499,999 / 12,500,000 it got bid on of course, EA never wanna give you the full amount.

Of course I got shafted but it wasn't widespread I couldn't give him away the 3 times I posted him for under 10 mil but congrats on the sale and **** the bot


Rookie 1
Mine sold on the first post, I did 12,499,999 / 12,500,000 it got bid on of course, EA never wanna give you the full amount.

Of course I got shafted but it wasn't widespread I couldn't give him away the 3 times I posted him for under 10 mil but congrats on the sale and **** the bot

Thx and yeah them ah bots arent even tuned properly, just like alot of things in this game. When I sold sg Magic I did 20m / 22.5m and it replicated my card. When there was under an hour left my card got bought for full amount somehow but the replica stayed up without even a bid on it and it expired. Shits stupid, they need to fix them bots.
anyway, how do you think it is working at the moment over there, commondjapan?

It's hard to explain but people are selling their cards for so cheap that it doesn't feel like the bot is wielding much control over the market. I always felt like the bot had a certain amount of control over what was bought and sold but now it just feels like users buying and selling off each other. There isn't even a need for a price cap since cards only sell for cheap. The rare cards that people are going crazy over on global re selling for 800k on Asia. Maybe the bot has secretly forced prices down while encouraging users to spend cash on packs... that would be savvy. It hasn't happened on global, though.


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