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Flashback and legend program


Rookie 1
Will there be any new flashback players today? Its getting boring..i prefer the old times where there will be new players coming out every week


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes there will be at least 1 new FB today that was announced last Saturday in the other thread about this very subject
At least the new FB players have bench boosts for the team. Probably won't last on the bench long, but better than keeping all those unopened FB tokens in my inventory.
They should have started the revamp with at least 102-103s. The only FB that I've used this season was Korver only because he had a 3 point boost. And even then he lasted about a week only.


Rookie 2
Flashbacks, Legends & Ultimate Legends worked really nice in S2.
I find it hard to to understand why EA made them so irrelevant this year.
They don't seem interested in weekly programs anymore. They would rather give us these mini store-based promos and holiday-themed events than create a compelling weekly program. Personally, I missed the days of Award Winners, Supremacy, The Ruler and Royalty LeBron but I guess the game has moved away from those sort of programs. They've made things so much easier to obtain that people would balk at random tokens returning to the game.


All-Star 3
They don't seem interested in weekly programs anymore. They would rather give us these mini store-based promos and holiday-themed events than create a compelling weekly program. Personally, I missed the days of Award Winners, Supremacy, The Ruler and Royalty LeBron but I guess the game has moved away from those sort of programs. They've made things so much easier to obtain that people would balk at random tokens returning to the game.
Count me in one of those who dont want those old programs which depended on luck..
It is pretty boring the way they are repeating promos but atleast players are grindable.. going an entiee season grinding an event and not finishing is never going to be better for me ..(didnt complete award winner steph or ruler durant)

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
There is more profit for EA in these mini promos than having weekly player event...look at this season for every better promo they would give us one jersey,coin pack and one master...if you want more out of that promo than you have to pay...and players as players leaded by desire to get all the masters start to spend $$ and the outcome is easy to calculate...for me this is far the best season because as anatdoc sayed there is no more lucky based events or programs
Count me in one of those who dont want those old programs which depended on luck..
It is pretty boring the way they are repeating promos but atleast players are grindable.. going an entiee season grinding an event and not finishing is never going to be better for me ..(didnt complete award winner steph or ruler durant)

Fortunately, I was able to finish all of those programs. To me, those events along with Title Holders Dirk, the old LVL Masters, and the Westbrook and Harden Masters, were far more rewarding than any of the grindable promos this season. I'm grateful that they've addressed the balance between f2p and p2w and that we can get at least one master per promo but the constant stream of promos means I barely get to play with new cards and the de-emphasis of competitive gameplay in favor of grinding has almost made it a card collecting game instead of a balanced basketball game. I'm sure a luck-based program wouldn't work anymore, not after the changes they've made to make the game more user-friendly, but I would still like to see a card that means something and not a constant revolving door of new promo cards. The Monthly Master fits that mold but none of them have had the staying power of previous high profile cards from S1 and 2.


All-Star 3
Fortunately, I was able to finish all of those programs. To me, those events along with Title Holders Dirk, the old LVL Masters, and the Westbrook and Harden Masters, were far more rewarding than any of the grindable promos this season. I'm grateful that they've addressed the balance between f2p and p2w and that we can get at least one master per promo but the constant stream of promos means I barely get to play with new cards and the de-emphasis of competitive gameplay in favor of grinding has almost made it a card collecting game instead of a balanced basketball game. I'm sure a luck-based program wouldn't work anymore, not after the changes they've made to make the game more user-friendly, but I would still like to see a card that means something and not a constant revolving door of new promo cards. The Monthly Master fits that mold but none of them have had the staying power of previous high profile cards from S1 and 2.
Ya agree wholeheartedly on the masters (wb/harden/lvl).. they were great.. like i said i liked a lot of how promos were different in season 1.. the pickem promos were great.. just hated the luck based promos..
Agree too on the whole card collecting status of the game.. i think they have to equalise the rewards (blitz vs season vs sd) rather than give one the preference so that we can choose what works best for us or even do all 3 at times.. that way the game wont get stagnant.


Rookie 2
The older ways gave grinders who are also FTP a chance to narrow the gap from P2W players who did not grind a at all.
So getting this 96 Harden in S2 early was a real badge of honer.


Rookie 3
I like how they balance f2p and p2w this season. High spenders are probably at 106 at the moment, grinders + medium spenders at 105, heavy f2p grinders at 103 to 104, casual players probably at 100 to 102. I agree that what is lacking is creativity on the promos and the balance between playing basketball and collecting cards. Recent update somehow address that through sd rewards and the extra event but i think they can do better. What i miss last season is that you can have the cards that you want be kept in your lineup for at least a month. Now, you get the master but in a couple of week you have to replace them because of new masters. They need to have more varieties of upgradable/trainable masters like sd and elevate and be consistent with them throughout the season. Last season i had dirk, master harden and king lebron stayed in my lineup until the very end. I mean building a team like in real life isn’t about getting new players but also investing on some real good ones to be maintained in your roster. Hopefully season 4 will be combinations of good things from s1 to s3.
I think people a grouping together promos and programs. Promos are way better this season but they effectively killed programs. Legends went from my favourite program to not ever having a legend player on my team this season.


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