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FireWorks Master Cards!!


Rookie 1
I know we have 3 cards to choose from or take all. Penny, Moses Malone and Pippen... out of all the 3 cards do any of them give any extra boosts from the coach? or all 3 cards are just max at 94 overall?

Really hoping Pippen gives a 95overall extra boost or even Penny. Thanks for ur help!! this would really help me decide which master to Grind first.. :)


Rookie 3
No idea yet which one can get an extra ovr but you won't be able to focus and get one master unless you complete the 93 version of all of them. I doubt i will be able to get one as well but i am targeting two 93s and a 92 if i can keep my pace. I think the best strategy is to get all 92 first which is less costly, then will put them on my bench maybe except penny to increase my team ovr.


Rookie 1
You need around 750 gold tokens to get one 94 OVR and two 93 OVR....right now in have 160 tokens by just watching ADS and leveling up to get Stamina refills.

Right now im still keeping my tokens and not putting them into any of the SETS until the very very last day. I think i can make 750 tokens.. worst case scenario i will settle with three 93overall but i think getting 750 tokens is possible once the rest of the other events opens up. Knowing EA they might also throw a few Showdown/Coin pack collectibes for Fireworks. Depending on how many tokens i have left... i will decide then which players to take :) Keep them collectibles til very very END :)


Rookie 3
Yeah, 75 a day is feasible if you are a hard grinder. Though i can only do 50 since i am working on it for two accounts. Not putting all of them in the set yet is also a good idea so you can estimate better and not get hung halfway.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
None of them reach 95 overall from boosts

Just wondering: how do you know that?

Because I know someone that has the 94s they said that none of them reach 94 and that Penny has the best gameplay, followed by Malone, and finally Pippen with the worst of the 3 they were pissed that none of them got to 95 because in total it just meant that only Pippen was an overall upgrade for their bench (compared to 93 PG13) so they felt they wasted their time on money on it


Rookie 3
in the ol' days.. you would have been suspended for 3 days for sprewking #fakenews...
we forgive you this time...

:D :D


Rookie 2
BTW, the same issue now exists for Impact payers as well.
I have tokens for almost 3 players and got nothing to do with 89 overalls...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
in the ol' days.. you would have been suspended for 3 days for sprewking #fakenews...
we forgive you this time...

:D :D

Well to be fair one 94 from JK's funhouse said no then another 94 from TPBC said yes they must've not had the resources to get him to 95 lol


Rookie 3
2 x 93's + 1x 94 is almost 100% guaranteed imho
at least from where m sitting :)



Rookie 1
Off topic... anyone having an issue with the 79s not coming up to be added to 83 ovr fireworks sets... fireworks coming up but not my 79s?


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