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Fan Boost Player List

Curious what all cards have fan boosts
What I've seen so far, please post others...
71 Mason Plumlee (C)
72 Cody Zeller (C)
70 Montrezl Harrell (C)
73 Javale McGee (C)
75 Larry Nance Jr. (PF)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Every base card can have a fan boost the SD golds are just base golds with fan boosts
Every base card can have a fan boost the SD golds are just base golds with fan boosts

I recognize that the ones with the boost are just the golds + boost. But why do you think every base card can have the boost? If that were the case, I think this list would be huge right now and I wouldn't have seen 5 or 6 Plumlees.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Every base card can have a fan boost the SD golds are just base golds with fan boosts

I recognize that the ones with the boost are just the golds + boost. But why do you think every base card can have the boost? If that were the case, I think this list would be huge right now and I wouldn't have seen 5 or 6 Plumlees.

Because I've seen many cards with fan boosts and if they're making them just base cards with fan boosts then the spread is gonna be huge


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