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Elite prices getting lowered tomorrow

Can someone more knowledgeable explain what Point 1 means? Program vs Non program? Say, a Thunder Harden vs a regular Harden?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Can someone more knowledgeable explain what Point 1 means? Program vs Non program? Say, a Thunder Harden vs a regular Harden?

By non program be means base so yes a card under the Harden program isn't gonna be priced differently then that of a abase card of the same overall


All-Star 1
Can someone more knowledgeable explain what Point 1 means? Program vs Non program? Say, a Thunder Harden vs a regular Harden?

Another example would be rookie golds vs base golds. Rookies should go for more than a base of same OVR because they?re used in the Rookie campaign sets. One factor that might negate this right now is the player exchange sets but typically the program cards are worth more.
Can someone more knowledgeable explain what Point 1 means? Program vs Non program? Say, a Thunder Harden vs a regular Harden?

Another example would be rookie golds vs base golds. Rookies should go for more than a base of same OVR because they?re used in the Rookie campaign sets. One factor that might negate this right now is the player exchange sets but typically the program cards are worth more.

Ah, yes! I tried so damned hard to auction rookie golds for higher than regular but, even if just like 2-3k but no one touched them ever


All-Star 3
I wonder if they mean the 81/2/3 cards only .. and the base elites stay at their caps.. that would be a disappointment..
I wonder if they mean the 81/2/3 cards only .. and the base elites stay at their caps.. that would be a disappointment..

Pretty sure all current 81-83s are "Program" cards. Not really sure how that will affect their pricing, but I guess they are technically considered elites?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I wonder if they mean the 81/2/3 cards only .. and the base elites stay at their caps.. that would be a disappointment..

Pretty sure all current 81-83s are "Program" cards. Not really sure how that will affect their pricing, but I guess they are technically considered elites?

They are definitely elite cards but to answer Anatdoc's question it is almost certain to be all elites because they didn't specify but I'm sure by "caps" they strictly mean the minimum caps


Rookie 1
When they try to control the market like that, there will always be discrepancies. They shouldn't have done it in the first place, but they want that extra money for the coins...
Now that more cards are around, the need for at least one more lineup is obvious. It cannot continue for long with just 1 lineup


Rookie 1
When they try to control the market like that, there will always be discrepancies. They shouldn't have done it in the first place, but they want that extra money for the coins...
Now that more cards are around, the need for at least one more lineup is obvious. It cannot continue for long with just 1 lineup

I want it to be like in the soft launch when u can put players in any position


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