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Pro 2
More than 50% of $$$ come from the High spenders

Last season was around 70 %. This season the % will be lower since is less p2w oriented, and that was an objective for this season.

f2p will spend more if they see their ovr much closer to the p2w players ovr
And assuming those figures have some actual foundation behind them, wonderful! It’s not accurate to say high spenders are the problem. It’s basically equally low spenders.

My two hypotheticals were based on extremes - all revenue from high spenders versus all revenue from low spenders. The reality is it’s a mix.

Thank you for proving my point.
I'm proving that if high spenders go away, Thanos' snap style, the game dies.

If f2p players do, the game can still survive

Thinking otherwise if not having a clue


Pro 2
I asked a question that you haven’t answered.

However, based on what you wrote, *If it’s it’s true for NBALM 2019* that nearly 50% is from low spenders, then them stoping spending achieves the thing.. That’s my point. Never said a thing about f2p. Not one thing.
Those data came out from Brian, Elzy and Josh, when he created his discord server at the beginning of the season. When we were only few and you could talk about everything without being interrupted.

Endless conversations about how to find the balance and the changes that they had to do (from season 2) to get a more profitable game and to get green light for a fourth season


Pro 2
So my point remains - it’s both inaccurate and disingenuous to say the problem is high spenders rather than low spenders who control their spending “for the good of the game.” If either sector left or stopped spending, the game takes a big hit and goes away.


All-Star 1
If EA is run like any other Fortune XXX company in the world, the accountants rule the roost and the underlings like bwags have very little say in the monetary aspects of the game. You can bet for every content designer, developer, PR advocate, etc. there's twice as many actuaries running math models of the revenue stream based on the smallest changes to the game. The fact that NBALM is one of the smaller platforms just means those customers get jacked around a little more because the overall impact to the bottom line is significantly less.


Pro 2
If EA is run like any other Fortune XXX company in the world, the accountants rule the roost and the underlings like bwags have very little say in the monetary aspects of the game. You can bet for every content designer, developer, PR advocate, etc. there's twice as many actuaries running math models of the revenue stream based on the smallest changes to the game. The fact that NBALM is one of the smaller platforms just means those customers get jacked around a little more because the overall impact to the bottom line is significantly less.

Certainly. And running those numbers to the second decimal point. One of my former largest clients was one of the top 3 personal lines carriers in the country. I mostly represented them in cases where they, not their insureds, were sued for bad faith, and also in regulatory matters. I won’t name them for obvious reasons. They, like a surprising numbers of carriers, had an unwritten policy of trying to knock just a few dollars off every first party claim (collision, comprehensive, medical pay, fire losses, theft, etc.). Over all claims per year that means many millions. They were sued for bad faith practices and took a large hit. I’m not naive enough to believe they don’t still do that today. The point is that when the numbers of incidents (or users) is large, small amounts per incident (or user) add up to significantly large numbers.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That sounds good and all, but these two comments are ill-conceived and incredibly naive. Consider:

First, of the 4 “free” sports games - Madden, FIFA, UFC, and NBALM - Madden and FIFA account for 85% of in-app spending. NBALM just 14%. That helps put any NBALM user clout in perspective. It’s small. It also explains why we seemingly get crappy developers.

Second, the vast majority of users, certainly well in excess of 95%, have no presence on sports gaming social media. (Estimates are over 4,000,000 downloads per year. We don’t get data on active users(at least I can’t find it), tho, but it has to be several million). We live in the tiny bubble of social media active users. The lion’s share of users don’t.

Third, is inability to organize. Just how are high spenders supposed to have an impact unless there exists a means to organize, in the boycott sense? (A petition was started once and it gathered all of 100 signatures. This shows just how small the social media active market is). Sure, one can make posts on social media, but that will reach but a small percentage of users who spend. Absent a Herculean investment of time, money, and effort, nothing can be done that will actually impact EA. Estimates are NBALM earned 140,000,000 from in-app NBALM purchases. If you assume (inaccurately) all of that comes from high spenders, it’s about 20-30,000 high spenders in NBALM. But, it’s reasonable to assume due to the sheer mass of users, that EA makes most of that 140mil from low spenders. We like to say high spenders keep the electricity on. We don’t. Here’s a hypothetical - assume 4.5 million users, and low spenders are those who spend only $500/season, that’s 280,000 users, a small fraction of total users. These are users who occasionally buy starter packs and/or special deals. Don’t forget the occasional stamina purchase. So it’s likely *most* of that 140mil comes from users who consider themselves low spenders. The idea of controlled spending for the good of the game might allow low spenders to take themselves off the proverbial hook, but it’s more likely EA profits more from them than from total high spending.

At the end of the day all a disgruntled paying customer can do is quit if it gets bad enough. And in the meantime all the same disgruntled user can do is let EA know through social media that EA’s actions run the risk of that happening. That’s not lying - it’s simply using the only tiny, ineffective soap box we have to express discontent. If one high spender (or as Stewie derisively and over-broadly stereotypes them - “addicted” spenders) leaves, will EA notice that?

Them’s the apples, guys, and the reality of the situation. I could just as easily say to the low spenders - stop it because your minimal annual purchases will ensure EA does nothing. It’s more economically accurate.
I wasn't saying that most the money comes from them but that's who they want to prey on and it's very misinformed to assume that they don't have people addicted to buying stuff in game I know plenty of people that spends 1000s on this game a year yourself included and do it whenever they can no matter how irresponsible it is everyone has a right to spend how they want but that doesn't mean that others aren't allowed to make observations based on that and when someone can't control themselves from doing something they are addicted so no that is not a "derisively and over-broad" statement because it's true and btw you can still be addicted to doing it and not spend 1000s because I spend several 100 a year these past 2 after I got my taste of it at the end of S1 I didn't plan on doing that but sometimes it just happens and most the time it doesn't hold value but you get a rush out of spending money and pulling a BoB card with 5% chance that is something people want to feel again so they continue to do it no matter how much they miss and that's what a lot of my spending came from this year and that can be categorized as gambling addict when your addicted to the thrill of a win no matter how much you fail
I agree, one or two big spenders won't hurt them. I think Fifa tried to organized a "no-spend" protest, I honestly don't know how long it lasted or if it had any impact. That's what will get their attention, though, less money coming. All easier said than done, of course. :(


Pro 2
Well Stewie I know a bit about addictive behavior since I’m a long time sober member of AA. I’d cop to one instance of behavior that strikes me as addictive behavior - the last time golden ticket opportunities were there I tried probably 15 times. Was stupid. But was the potential thrill. So there you have it.

But I don’t agree that spending when you know precisely what you are going to get is per se addictive behavior. If I was spending the mortgage money perhaps.

I’ve spent thousands this season on what I view as a hobby. I hobby I enjoy. But it really makes no difference to my wallet (and I’m not trying to show off, just givIng context). I have a rule when it comes to spending on any non-essential - is it depriving me of Meeting any obligations to myself or others? If I can answer that question “no,” then I’m good to go. Besides, since I don’t drink a nice meal out is relatively cheap AF.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well Stewie I know a bit about addictive behavior since I’m a long time sober member of AA. I’d cop to one instance of behavior that strikes me as addictive behavior - the last time golden ticket opportunities were there I tried probably 15 times. Was stupid. But was the potential thrill. So there you have it.

But I don’t agree that spending when you know precisely what you are going to get is per se addictive behavior. If I was spending the mortgage money perhaps.

I’ve spent thousands this season on what I view as a hobby. I hobby I enjoy. But it really makes no difference to my wallet (and I’m not trying to show off, just givIng context). I have a rule when it comes to spending on any non-essential - is it depriving me of Meeting any obligations to myself or others? If I can answer that question “no,” then I’m good to go. Besides, since I don’t drink a nice meal out is relatively cheap AF.
A lot of spending in this game comes from chance stuff like bob packs or regular packs where you get shitty cards almost all the time but it's being done because the person wants to pull the new 10X card that has way worse odds than a bob pack

This wasn't meant as a shot to you or big spenders in general it was just about what EA wants to do to the users they want as many small fish to become big fish as possible and that goes for every freemium game in the microtransaction era of games that started since the rise of smart phones with the last 15 years


Rookie 1
Found this on the apex legends subreddit.
EA doesn't care about the longevity of the game, they will squeeze every penny out of it. If everyone stops spending they will literally shutdown the game and move on to some other games.

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Rookie 2
I normally hate the complaining that goes on here but I will agree with one thing, if you are P2P you should ABSOLUTELY have an advantage in Showdown. If I am spending to get to 110 or 111, first of all I don't wanna be matched up with another 110 or 111. I want to play a lower ranked player, win more, get fans or coins or w/e faster than I would if I didn't put real life money into play.

There is NO incentive to pay for something in a game, especially this late into the season when you can be practically in the same place for free. EA better get on the ball and tip the balance back a bit or I will spend much less in season 4.


Pro 2
I know this is not statistically valid and anecdotal, but it is an example of what I see happening most of the time. I used my main 111 lineup (heavily boosted D and RB) against a 108. Next matchup I dropped back to my alternate 110 lineup (heavily boosted D and RB) and drew the same 108. Just lucky I took screenshot of 1st one

They either fix it or they don’t. Put more accurately, they either acknowledge they messed up gameplay or they don’t. I’m not holding my breath for the former.
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Pro 2
If anything the OP ai has gotten worse this week. For me, SD had become literally unplayable. Using a solid 111 (or over-boosted 110) lineup and barely beating or losing to 109 or 108 not because other guy outscores my ai much but because opponents ai can’t miss a shot regardless the Defense. Doesn’t have to be the old reliable 28’ post up 3, just regular old 3s. All five players like curry on a very hot shooting night.

IDK, maybe my team is going through a major nerf.

They took a gameplay that was passable at least, and made it a source of frustration. For the sake of keeping my iPad and iPhone un-smashed, I think I’m done with SD ( a huge concession for me since I’ve always played so much of it).

I might just live in The Arena until the season reset - but, I don’t hold much hope the devs will ever acknowledge the combined effect of first jacking up ai and then reducing (read - eliminating) ovr advantage without accounting for the already OP ai resulted in an actual ovr disadvantage.

Or maybe I shouldn’t be so generous and should see this as the end of the season Big Nerf so players will continue to spend on last couple promos.


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