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Doncic Half Court Shot


All-Star 1
Judging by the lack of posts, I must be the only one struggling with the half court shot in the Doncic event today? I've tried 3 different players ranging from 86-90 3pt and nothing but bricks. Everywhere in the damn circle and even several heaves with no shot meter that register "out of range". If I see one more "wide open, perfect release 90" it's going to drive me insane. HELP!

On a side note, I've noticed my circle doesn't highlight or change color. Is this true for everyone?


All-Star 1
I got lucky and nailed it on my third try. Just used the Doncic loaned to the lineup for the event. Sprinted through the circle to try & heave it but he pulled up for a jumper at the half court line & sank it. I doubt there's any secret to it. At least it doesn't cost stamina.....


All-Star 1
I got lucky and nailed it on my third try. Just used the Doncic loaned to the lineup for the event. Sprinted through the circle to try & heave it but he pulled up for a jumper at the half court line & sank it. I doubt there's any secret to it. At least it doesn't cost stamina.....
Do you remember if you got a perfect release (+20%)? When I sprint to the circle and pull up, more often than not it's only a +7% (short) or +10% (long).


All-Star 3
Got it after some 30/40 tries.. just a heave.. with heild
Pretty sure just luck involved.. (50+ attempts in my alt and still no luck)


All-Star 1
Finally got it. Walked into a shot with Dinwiddie so it triggered inside of circle but shot well outside of it (closer to basket).


Rookie 3
It took me almost 40 attempts to hit it I hit it at 20% from the bottom of the circle right on the half-court line


Rookie 1
took me about 30 times too...needed perfect release
run past the circle then nudge slightly back into the circle to hit the shot close to the edge.
frustrating as hell tho hitting a ton of perfect releases but still rimming out all the time


Pro 2
After about 10 times with loaned Doncic. Got lucky. I’d add that 93 Doncic is somewhat sketchy in gameplay. I hope we don’t have to add Doncic to the list of cards - Harden, Klay, KD - EA seems to hate.


Rookie 1
After a few try with luka try to use Clarkton done it after 5 try all with perfecr shot (20%)


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