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Does anyone know how to beat the final James harden event?

So I was just watching a buckeye video and he said you can get a free 109 Jeremy Lin in one of those events, after you beat every event. I’m currently stuck at the last James harden event, unable to beat it. Any clue how I can do it? Also I can’t find the lin event it seems so just wondering where is that event


All-Star 3
So I was just watching a buckeye video and he said you can get a free 109 Jeremy Lin in one of those events, after you beat every event. I’m currently stuck at the last James harden event, unable to beat it. Any clue how I can do it? Also I can’t find the lin event it seems so just wondering where is that event
U need to complete the last harden event and then swipe left.. u'll see it.
As for the actual event, try to pass to harden and make a 3 so that 2 of the 4 objectives are done.. then on defense don't go for blocks and steals.. stay in front of the player .. hope that u get a defensive rebound.. then another 3 with harden..
Also if u got the rebound and the AI is on offence Just back away from them and let them shoot
U need to complete the last harden event and then swipe left.. u'll see it.
As for the actual event, try to pass to harden and make a 3 so that 2 of the 4 objectives are done.. then on defense don't go for blocks and steals.. stay in front of the player .. hope that u get a defensive rebound.. then another 3 with harden..
Also if u got the rebound and the AI is on offence Just back away from them and let them shoot
Thanks. I will try. It is very hard but somehow I got past the rider event so.. but hopefully I can see that Lin event
So I looked and looked but can’t find the lin event. I don’t know why. If you can, provide me with the map and the exact location of the event. Thanks


Rookie 1
You asked the same question in the other thread you opened earlier and someone gave you an answer on how to find it.

Go to the MVP challenge window and swipe left. The screen that has ??? as a title on the top is the Jeremy Lin challenge.
You asked the same question in the other thread you opened earlier and someone gave you an answer on how to find it.

Go to the MVP challenge window and swipe left. The screen that has ??? as a title on the top is the Jeremy Lin challenge.
But problem is I can’t find it. I just can’t, I dont know why


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
But problem is I can’t find it. I just can’t, I dont know why
It is the event all the way to the right past the Harden ones it doesn't say that it gives you Lin it's a surprise for completing all of the events and I merged your threads no need to ask the same thing in 2 different threads that you made
It is the event all the way to the right past the Harden ones it doesn't say that it gives you Lin it's a surprise for completing all of the events and I merged your threads no need to ask the same thing in 2 different threads that you made
So you automatically unlock it once you complete all the event? Just wondering
You're welcome but next time don't make a new thread just say you still cant find it in the original thread you asked about it in
And I still can’t beat the harden event. Offensive part is easy, just defense is too hard. the CPU hit a heavily contested three on me. Nothing I can do


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
And I still can’t beat the harden event. Offensive part is easy, just defense is too hard. the CPU hit a heavily contested three on me. Nothing I can do
You don't have to win you just need to get 2 3s with Harden and anyone on your team get an assist and anyone to get a defensive rebound the result doesn't matter I think i list by 6 because i gave the AI so much room to shoot so that I can get the rebound if they missed but even though I lost by 6 I won the event for doing the objectives so don't worry about the result
You don't have to win you just need to get 2 3s with Harden and anyone on your team get an assist and anyone to get a defensive rebound the result doesn't matter I think i list by 6 because i gave the AI so much room to shoot so that I can get the rebound if they missed but even though I lost by 6 I won the event for doing the objectives so don't worry about the result
Thanks, man. So losing can still get it done, just as long as i get the objectives done. That helps a ton


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