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Does 4katosh use this fourm?


Rookie 3
Well, i had a very little interaction with josh during gg and can't say anything bad or good about him. But i guess in order for all of us to keep the good vibe in this forum, why not just move on? This site will do better even without the hatred on him being expressed. Well maybe unless he will attack or harass us here. And yeah, i think censoring or deleting this post is not a bad idea so to keep our temper=)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don?t like the bad language being used. It?s unnecessary.

As of now there have been very few instances of truly bad language and this instance was taken care of I can only count 2 times where the language used was actually bad this time and when someone created a user name directed towards me other them those times it's been PG-13 at the worst which is fine imo
But i guess in order for all of us to keep the good vibe in this forum, why not just move on?


Agreed not sure why this was even asked in the first place

I agree with all of this. I think something like this was asked probably because new members come here, and they just simply don't know the history with this person here, and also at gg, but they see the videos and streams so in their mind he could only be an asset to the site. I had a similar experience after I joined, had seen his name a couple times, didn't know him or the history to have an opinion on him, though, but eventually found out that his time here didn't end well.

If nothing else, this thread made others aware.....that weren't already, lol.


Rookie 1
I don?t like the bad language being used. It?s unnecessary.

As of now there have been very few instances of truly bad language and this instance was taken care of I can only count 2 times where the language used was actually bad this time and when someone created a user name directed towards me other them those times it's been PG-13 at the worst which is fine imo

I meant in general.


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