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Do we have anything to say about season-mode in this season 3?


Pro 1
It seems season-mode continues to be relegated to a card-testing-in-easy-mode or just a playground to try some moves you don't dare to try in a more competitive mode.

The current achievements related to season are not really appealing and the challenges of s1 of getting a ton of alley-oops in a week or getting 75 blocks in a season are long gone. Even daily objectives related to season were eliminated during s2, relegating the mode even more.

With that said, does have anything noteworthy about season-mode this season?

All I have to show is a 34-1, that looked fun since I didn't limit opponents in any mode to 1 point before.

I played some seasons for a while at work after seeing the pathetic rewards from showdown, I'm intending to progress for a while and see how the rewards improve.

So far I'm in the finals of season 4, the first 3 seasons each season game is a bronze player, you get 2 bronze players for winning playoff games and a pro pack with extra bronze player for winning the championship.

In season 4 the rewards increase to a silver player for each season game win, 2 silver players for winning a playoff game. I haven't got to the championship game yet, I'm assuming the reward will be a pro pack with an extra silver player.

The first few seasons were quite easy to autoplay while doing other stuff, as you progress the difficulty is starting to increase and I'm being matched up with 80+ lineups.

I'll keep you updated with how rewards progress as I go along.


Rookie 1
I pretty much only use it for autoplaying while i'm at work if there's nothing better to put my stamina towards. The bronze players come in handy for throwing in to sets to complete the daily objective.
Nothing to say because I haven't even played 1 quarter. They will probably release a master that requires a certain amount of season games and going by past experience whatever season games you play before that master is released won't be counted and you would have start over. I'm waiting until they release a master, if not, then there is no point playing seasons for me. I'd rather use that stamina and time on something more rewarding.


Rookie 3
im 2 gms from finishing season 3 basically on AP whilst @ work
but as Juke says, need 2 wait and see if a master evolves, but the interesting thing is during one of these last updates, they made a correction and the number of games is now counting in the trophy case


All-Star 3
Nothing to say because I haven't even played 1 quarter. They will probably release a master that requires a certain amount of season games and going by past experience whatever season games you play before that master is released won't be counted and you would have start over. I'm waiting until they release a master, if not, then there is no point playing seasons for me. I'd rather use that stamina and time on something more rewarding.


Pro 1
The first few seasons were quite easy to autoplay while doing other stuff, as you progress the difficulty is starting to increase and I'm being matched up with 80+ lineups.

I'll keep you updated with how rewards progress as I go along.

80+ line-ups in the 4th season? That's interesting to know.

And thanks!


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