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Database help?


Rookie 1
Hey everyone,

I'm a manager of EA Lounge and one of the editors of the database. I'm writing to ask the community to keep an eye out for the cards that are missing from the database. If you look under "Missing Cards", you'll find an (expanding) list of cards that our team isn't able to find. It'll be really helpful if y'all PM me if you find any of those cards.


Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Hey everyone,

I'm a manager of EA Lounge and one of the editors of the database. I'm writing to ask the community to keep an eye out for the cards that are missing from the database. If you look under "Missing Cards", you'll find an (expanding) list of cards that our team isn't able to find. It'll be really helpful if y'all PM me if you find any of those cards.

[/QUOT before we look for those data base cards why is Cpu overpowered than your 105 and 107 players. Harden has 106 outside scoring but he can't make 3pointers. We are not interested in data base cards, right now we need game improvement.


Rookie 1
Yea, gameplay needs improvement, I would agree on that, but it'll be really helpful if I'm able to finish up the database for the community, so those in need can use it to their advantage. :)


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