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Comic promo cards


Rookie 3
I went for the first option and traded two 84 players for an 85 Master, only to find out that there is no SF 85 Master! I settled for PF Zion, but my decision making this campaign (or this season) has been less than stellar.


All-Star 1
I went for the first option and traded two 84 players for an 85 Master, only to find out that there is no SF 85 Master! I settled for PF Zion, but my decision making this campaign (or this season) has been less than stellar.
Ugh, that sucks. That's another issue that they've never addressed....... No in game promo information. No where to check to see how to proceed or a list of promo content. They just make us fly blind all the time


Pro 2
Too bad they dont have an excel sheet of all the players and coaches and items out and just update when new content comes


Rookie 1
Wow I am pissed... at myself.

Bought 85AD to trade in for an ultimate. 30 bucks wasted because:

I thought I would get to pick 86 Curry I wanted - nope, he's not there, and in disgust I went with Lockdown Zion, where I have my 85 superstar Kawahi

I am not good at this game.

Maybe I can get 1-2M for zion....


All-Star 1
Wow I am pissed... at myself.

Bought 85AD to trade in for an ultimate. 30 bucks wasted because:

I thought I would get to pick 86 Curry I wanted - nope, he's not there, and in disgust I went with Lockdown Zion, where I have my 85 superstar Kawahi

I am not good at this game.

Maybe I can get 1-2M for zion....

That's sucks man. Hope you have him listed already bc the market is getting flooded with 85s from the last Finale event.


All-Star 1
Yeah I put him on a minute after posting. I want to be clear, this was totally my own fault!

No bids yet... sigh....
Technically it's partly EAs fault because they never give us any promo info. You have no way of knowing which 86 cards you get to choose from when completing the set. It's confusing. Early on, I was trying to figure bout my gameplay and had the same thought about going for Curry but luckily I remembered that he's only available from the store. It's all part of their plan to screw us and make us spend more than we should.
The game changers released plenty of info about this promo, including the contents of the 86 OVR pack. What bothers me is the lack of info about non-promo related issues like LvL.

Incidentally, is this the first time they’ve used official NBA advertising material for a promo? I wonder if they paid some sort of licensing fee.


All-Star 1
The game changers released plenty of info about this promo, including the contents of the 86 OVR pack. What bothers me is the lack of info about non-promo related issues like LvL.
1) The average player should know this information.....i.e.- it should be found in-game.
2) Having to search around the internet to figure out how to play the promo is assinine.
3)Gamechangers are bullshit for the most part, don't get me started about iLogics going nuts because he pulled an 82 Legend card from an 81+ pack, cue "Dare I say it.....these packs are fiiiiire". Makes me want to do bad things..... I will say that SteelCityMut is coming through with some updates on what he can share on Discord. That's appreciated.
4) That's leads me to the yearly disappearing act. They hired a new community manager at the beginning of S4......must not have worked out because I've seen about 3 posts in since he was hired. Don't even have misinformation from Brian anymore. Not sure if that's good or bad.....


Rookie 1
Technically it's partly EAs fault because they never give us any promo info. You have no way of knowing which 86 cards you get to choose from when completing the set. It's confusing. Early on, I was trying to figure bout my gameplay and had the same thought about going for Curry but luckily I remembered that he's only available from the store. It's all part of their plan to screw us and make us spend more than we should.
Yes I definitely see your point there...

But happy ending to my sad story: I got $1.9M for Zion -- my first big auction sale. I feel like one of you big guys right now! And I still have my 85 Harden... so it wasn't the worst way to blow thirty bucks I guess...


All-Star 1
Yes I definitely see your point there...

But happy ending to my sad story: I got $1.9M for Zion -- my first big auction sale. I feel like one of you big guys right now! And I still have my 85 Harden... so it wasn't the worst way to blow thirty bucks I guess...
Rad. That's great considering how many are up for sale right now. 👍


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