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Colossus Promo


Rookie 1
I have 3 masters (just reached 186k) and can confirm Wilt set doesn't give you any buyout option if you place 3 masters into it. Unless EA "generously" sells 92 ovr "select" pack in store there is no way to complete Wilt as of now.


Rookie 1
i got a pack for completing 34 dunks during the event or something like that, it didnt appear in objectives though. I was wondering if there was something similar when you completed it all but i guess not.


All-Star 1
Yeah I’ve been playing all the events even tho I’m done just in case, but I‘m way over 200k. So I doubt it.
Bizarre that they haven't said a peep about this. They've had 5 days to realize something was wrong
Got my 92 overall Giannis. Noticed we need 4 92's overall to get Wilt Chamberlain. Unfortunately you can only get two 92 outside of Giannis unless you buy the Colossal Master Pack for $99 bucks. Would-be nice if these players was auctionable 😒


All-Star 1
That's a mad-money move by EA. $100 to get a mediocre Grandmaster that's 2 OVR lower and exactly the same as the LP Wilt, has Zero stat boost, and for some reason......has a Promo boost. No thanks EA. 👎


Rookie 1
Yea.. looks like a very dumb move... tbh I got Mother's day KD way cheaper that they offer this Wilt... and maybe EA thinks 96 ovr Wilt is unreachable at the moment, but with LP Jokic on the horizon for me in mere days , EA should get back to drawing board for such style of GM achievement...


Rookie 1
But guys 92s should be auctionable as always, after the promo ends, on Thursday ?

Which still gives time to buy 92 s that you miss and claim Wilt via set, which ends in a week ?


Rookie 1
We'll see. I M not obsessed to complete Wilt... if those masters aren't too expensive I might grab the one I am missing


All-Star 1
But guys 92s should be auctionable as always, after the promo ends, on Thursday ?

Which still gives time to buy 92 s that you miss and claim Wilt via set, which ends in a week ?
Yeah, but if EA is going for the cash grab......I can see them keeping the Masters non-auctionable until Wilt's set expires. I don't care either way. I'm not giving them any $ for Wilt on principle alone.

The fact that they advertised a "special" 94 in their Twitch stream is total bait and switch bullshit. They gave hints, said when it would drop, & had everyone on Discord trying to figure out who this mystery player was. You don't do that when the only way to get the card is by paying $100 on top of everything else to complete the promo. It's even advertised in the news section as something you can "achieve". Its deceiving at best
The next promo is a 5 day promo. Hall of Fame. Masters are 93 OVR Garnett and Duncan and a 95 OVR Grand Master David Robinson. There is another 4 day promo after that for the Play-In tournament.

Garnett and Robinson are finesse. Duncan is defensive.


All-Star 1
The next promo is a 5 day promo. Hall of Fame. Masters are 93 OVR Garnett and Duncan and a 95 OVR Grand Master David Robinson. There is another 4 day promo after that for the Play-In tournament.

Garnett and Robinson are finesse. Duncan is defensive.
I think it's funny that ppl are dumping their Duncan's right now. I know the Power version is gonna have worse stats. Two 93 Duncan Masters, a couple weeks apart. Make much sense???


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