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Coin making methods?


Rookie 2
Hey guys! hope all are safe. would just like to ask if there's some coin making methods that can help me finish the season with some coins? Due to the expensive packs in the promo(50k per pack) and the daily pro packs at 25k coins I am dangerously low on coins. I fear not enough to finish promo and keep on buying the daily 50k coin pack that gives out random 100 apples, cabbage, etc,.

thank you guys in advance


Rookie 1
Make sure you take advantage of all your golds and elites that quicksell for 10k. I'd say just grind the promo quickly then sell the master then buy it back. You could also grind Premium Arena and sell 109,111, or 114 Beal. Snipe 110s and resell for maybe 300-500k profit or go for the big 112+ snipes if you want to sit on filters for a while.


Rookie 2
Make sure you take advantage of all your golds and elites that quicksell for 10k. I'd say just grind the promo quickly then sell the master then buy it back. You could also grind Premium Arena and sell 109,111, or 114 Beal. Snipe 110s and resell for maybe 300-500k profit or go for the big 112+ snipes if you want to sit on filters for a while.
thank you for the suggestions bro! I appreciate it. will try quicksell gold and elites now


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