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Changes after maintenance today


All-Star 3
Please add if i missed any
1. Timers removed from FB and legend sets. You can claim ur 110 master if u have enough tokens
2. Duo players are auctionable. including the 99 versions. if u have a spare duo token get 99 westbrook and harden and make them 110s
3. Showdown foam fingers, pennants and game balls are auctionable
4. their might be a glitch with kawhi counter. be careful if u turn in players in the sets
5. 109 westbrook is auctionable. if u have 100 tokens, buy the 109 with clutch and make him 109 with buzzer.
6. Sonics jerseys now have +4 boots
7. Embiid is now upgradeable to 109 but has horrible stats
8. Like Tom said ALL timers seem to be off
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Pro 2
The spring cleaning set is back. Don’t use it!!!!! Supposedly our tokens exchange for new S4 currency.

All set cool down periods are off.
For those playing SD (i know, very few), superstar pack gives a foam finger. So this week you get 2 finger tokens reaching Legend & 3 finishing Top 2500


Rookie 1
Confirmed the hard way that the counter for Kawhi 110 set is broken and does not unlock set

I had 340 and just exchanged players for another 62 points.

Counter stuck at 340 and set is still locked!!!!!

Also elevate event no longer gives out points for the set.


Rookie 1
Confirmed the hard way that the counter for Kawhi 110 set is broken and does not unlock set

I had 340 and just exchanged players for another 62 points.

Counter stuck at 340 and set is still locked!!!!!

Also elevate event no longer gives out points for the set.

I encountered the same issue. Did you feedback to EA. I did feedback, but the support who attended to me does not want to accept it was a bug. And neither he want to escalate. Keep saying nothing much they can do.


Rookie 1
I encountered the same issue. Did you feedback to EA. I did feedback, but the support who attended to me does not want to accept it was a bug. And neither he want to escalate. Keep saying nothing much they can do.

I took screen shots throughout the whole way and sent them as well


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