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Broken showdown


Rookie 1
I don't know about you guys but I am the king of the one or two point loss in Showdown. It doesn't matter what overall the matchup is which doesn't seem to matter if I win a quarter by 15 points I can guarantee you I lose by 16 versus the opponent. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated especially some defensive tips. Sorry for the long rant


Pro 1
sharing a clip with your gameplay would always be the best option for us to tell you what needs improvement

this post from the gg days probably can help you in some ways.

the 'rant' was pretty short btw :p


All-Star 3
It happens to all of us man.. part of the game.. I'm pretty sure you've won quite a few matches by one point too..
It's the same principle with open look shots missing.. if u actually count the number of contested 3s we make I guess it would balance out.
My advice, forget the result and move on to the next one. Showdown repeats itself over and over again. You beat a guy 19-2 vs. 20-13 and later on in the day you lose a quarter 20-13 vs. 19-2. The only thing you can try to do is be consistent with your gameplay. You can?t change the narrative. The AI is going to do whatever it wants to do. Play hard and keep grinding.
My advice, forget the result and move on to the next one. Showdown repeats itself over and over again. You beat a guy 19-2 vs. 20-13 and later on in the day you lose a quarter 20-13 vs. 19-2. The only thing you can try to do is be consistent with your gameplay. You can?t change the narrative. The AI is going to do whatever it wants to do. Play hard and keep grinding.
+1, it's just part of the game, some hours I can't seem to win, then the next hour I go on a mean winning streak. On the rare occasion I lose 3 in a row I just take a break and come back to it. When I get to the higher tiers I find it almost a requirement to put up +18-22 to guarantee a win. A lot of the time +15 is not enough. I've had people with lower ovr put up 22-2, 24-4 scores against me and I'm at 85ovr, it's just the way the cookie crumbles.


Rookie 1
Thanks for the tips to all who responded. It has been very helpful. However, how is it possible for multiple players to already have 1.7 million fans earned already?


All-Star 3
Thanks for the tips to all who responded. It has been very helpful. However, how is it possible for multiple players to already have 1.7 million fans earned already?

Bonus from day 1..
Special coach of the week from the store gives them more fan boost
Cash on stamina refills..
Basically lots of money and time


All-Star 1
I just dont see the point in spending that much time to jockey for 1st place. They're so far ahead of everyone the top guys could stop after 2 days & still prob be at the top at end of season. Gotta be an ego thing


All-Star 1
84 Ben Simmons
84 Klay Thompson
84 Halloween Kwahi
87 Halloween Davis
86 Wilt

Wait, I thought I was the king of 1-2pt losses?! :?

I had a similar lineup and found replacing 84 Simmons with 85 Westbrook and 86 Wilt with 84 Drummond to effective in reducing the amount of points my AI was giving up with little to no difference in manual game play.
Well, I went through my first slump in this Showdown season. I reached Superstar II and everything was going well. I was winning more than I was losing and making decent progress then I hit a wall and started going backward. A slump can really get to you. You start playing angry and bad habits creep in. You figure, "we're all the same OVR, with the same players, why am I getting the short end of the stick?" People say that's the time to step away and have a break but you keep convincing yourself that you'll win the next one and break out of it, and you wind up spiraling. You're like a gambler at the casino who thinks their luck is about to change. But y'know, there has to be a winner and loser (most of the time) and god knows what percentage of the playing base is going through the same thing at the same time as you.

I tried clearing my mind up a bit and going back to the basics but it was basically the rng that broke my slump. Some poor bugger had a worse quarter than me and probably went through the same emotions. I deserve a Kyrie for this!


Rookie 1
I am also currently in Superstar 2 category and am also taking my lumps. My new theory currently is advancement through the rankings has nothing to do with skill level, maybe slightly, or team overall, but instead on the amount of stamina you have spent grinding Showdown. Last week I made legend status but finished ranked 1070 so I did not receive 85 FF Curry. I did however dedicate I would approximate 90% of my stamina towards it. Similarly the same again this week. Next week I will attempt to keep track of stamina spent through each tier and test my theory out.


All-Star 3
I am also currently in Superstar 2 category and am also taking my lumps. My new theory currently is advancement through the rankings has nothing to do with skill level, maybe slightly, or team overall, but instead on the amount of stamina you have spent grinding Showdown. Last week I made legend status but finished ranked 1070 so I did not receive 85 FF Curry. I did however dedicate I would approximate 90% of my stamina towards it. Similarly the same again this week. Next week I will attempt to keep track of stamina spent through each tier and test my theory out.

Definitely.. the more u play, it sort of normalizes.. but if u progress too fast ull end up facing higher ovrs and more skilled players earlier.. hence requiring u to spend more stamina to normalize... if u pace urself just maybe ull end up spending less stamina..


Rookie 1
My overall is currently 88 so there are a few higher overalls but mainly even matchups with occasional lower overalls, who the majority of the time give me an outright spanking. Wins normally come vs. even matchups or higher ups


All-Star 1
My overall is currently 88 so there are a few higher overalls but mainly even matchups with occasional lower overalls, who the majority of the time give me an outright spanking. Wins normally come vs. even matchups or higher ups
Same for me. But I also subscribe to finding just the right pace so as not to be too fast but also not too slow that you have to grind like crazy on the weekend. I'm currently at 1M fans and will be on cruise control the rest of the tourney to get to Legend and maintain Top 1000 (for my eventual disappointment Monday morning when I realize 87 Kyrie is not guaranteed).


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