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Best EA Troll ever?


All-Star 1
I want to think this is the usual mistake but perhaps they're just toying with us????? Look at the OVR...



Rookie 3
Last Golden Tickets were 104. I doubt they’re going lower. Will probably be 109, although I wouldn’t be shocked if they made them 108 to let people stay put with their OVR’s


All-Star 1
Last Golden Tickets were 104. I doubt they’re going lower. Will probably be 109, although I wouldn’t be shocked if they made them 108 to let people stay put with their OVR’s
At the same time, the main menu says this:

Obviously they aren't available yet, a "Chance" to build a GT is "available". Still trolling us ;)


Pro 2
ilogics got two. So it sounds like all the game changers will get two each. And that will leave maybe 1 for all the remaining players. I imagine the game Changers will give one away each on twitter. All I really know for sure is I‘m about done. This game is so f###ed up, I can’t believe it.


All-Star 1
ilogics got two. So it sounds like all the game changers will get two each. And that will leave maybe 1 for all the remaining players. I imagine the game Changers will give one away each on twitter. All I really know for sure is I‘m about done. This game is so f###ed up, I can’t believe it.
HahaF**kingHa. That is such a slap in the face to the players. Selling chances at GTs and then give em to every Gamechanger?Now two each? Come on.


Pro 2
HahaF**kingHa. That is such a slap in the face to the players. Selling chances at GTs and then give em to every Gamechanger?Now two each? Come on.
Oh he’s claiming it was totally legit pulls. He bought 10 chances and “pulled” 2 GTs. Uh-huh.


All-Star 1
Oh he’s claiming it was totally legit pulls. He bought 10 chances and “pulled” 2 GTs. Uh-huh.
The chances of him pulling one are obscenely poor without EAs help. But I guess the average intelligence of his subscribers helps the believability of that BS


Rookie 1
I am a skeptical about that, I don’t think it is possible that he can pull 2 golden tickets either without him editing out the video and ea giving it to him. What did wheezy pull?


Pro 2
I am a skeptical about that, I don’t think it is possible that he can pull 2 golden tickets either without him editing out the video and ea giving it to him. What did wheezy pull?
Given the number of players and GTs the odds of pulling 1 is at least 1 in 1,000,000. So the odds of pulling 2 in 10 pulls is something like 1 in 200 BILLION. I think iLogics is naive enough to think it was legit, and he can’t figure out how it could have happened otherwise. 🤦‍♂️ Clearly EA loaded his packs for marketing purposes - to increase sales of those worthless $500 GT chance pulls. I stopped buying them a long time ago. And I doubt it’s just a coincidence that his GT video was scheduled first among the game changers. iLogics is EA’s perfect dupe.
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Pro 2
It’s a miracle!!! 3 game changers now have “randomly” pulled GTs. This might be the worst case yet of EA’s false advertising. At least on the cusp of it anyway.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
QJB, R0bski, and iLogics.
The under the radar ones pulled one too like that one guy Wheezy that nobody has ever heard of before and yet was given a GC position less than 2 months ago so it's very clear these packs are rigged for them to give people hope and buy them as well


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