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Best and Worst Things About Season 2 NBA Live 18 Mobile


Rookie 2
Clearly anyone who has made it from the main forum here loves the game. Yea EA made some egregious mistakes with the banning but why don't we discuss what we liked more and less about this season and if anyone can get these discussions to EA it would be cool.

What I liked more:

I definitely liked the Showdown setup a lot more than the old h2h. The awards and levels kept it much more interesting.
The training was also fun, I like that you can make players and lineups better in different ways
I like that they didn't do the exact same events as last year. I didn't like the Summer events last year and I'm glad they mixed it up

What I liked less:

They basically gave up on several aspects of LvL. There were never any platinum players from all those LvL tokens. Eventually it became a waste.
They only had 1 event with presents and I think those are some of the most fun promos.
They shouldn't have items in any season that can't be sold. It is pointless to have to use as training...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Worst thing for me was the bot screwing me out of 10s of millions by not allowing me to sell NY Lowry for more then 5 mil while also having many sell for 15+ mil and buying a 100 Harden for 12 mil and not being able to sell it for even 100 coins

Best part probably was the FA packs which made me about 70 mil


All-Star 3
1. Showdown. Love the format.. grinding gets u rewards.. guaranteed.. every 2 weeks
2. Promos - preferred the promos this season as grinding usually was an option to get a great player or to make coin. The formats were way boring than last season but the rewards were way better
1. Training.. in principle didn't mind it, but the cost of training was too much.. just tp would have been fine, the extra coin was a real buzzkill
2. Gameplay - I don't mind the ai being great.. but a hand in the face shouldn't lead to a basket.. side note the Sprint button especially with 96 magic amd on fast breaks
3. Store : non coin packs
4. Ah : the weird bots


Rookie 2
What I liked:
Showdown is a way better format than H2H with actual rewards.
Card art, love it even though I disliked it at the start on base cards.
Platinum cards. Flashy, but not too extravagant.
I don't mind training despite it's flaws.
That's kinda it, it was an awful season for a reason.

What I hated:
Everything at launch: laggy gameplay, everyone's unauctionable, 35% auction fee. No coin packs. I had made a "100 things wrong with the game" thread on gg. Link if you'd like to see.
Coaches: completely useless since every playstyle is the same, could be replaced with random boost icons and it'd be no different.
Gameplay - no new animations, only change from S1 was making the AI even more overpowered.
Promos: the 3 promos that followed each other - Lunar new year, All-Star and Mobile madness were a huge slap in the face for everyone still hopeful for the season. LNY and MM masters starting versions were available for cash only and All-Star is straight up the worst promo I've ever seen in this game, whereas the one in S1 was my favorite.
Random bans.
Random stats.
Repeating of the same players for all promos.
Not being able to use the classic lineup for half the season.
Unusable bench.
Fake OVR cards.
What I liked...

- The Asia server kept up-to-date with the global server in real time instead of giving us repackaged promos months later.
- Showdown was a successful overhaul of the H2H mode.
- After the early hiccups, there were some decent promos and I enjoyed grinding the TOTW and Specialists programs.
- Master Harden, Royalty LeBron and Legacy Dirk were great cards.

What I didn't like...

- Terrible, mismanaged start to the season. Especially after the delays at the end of Season 1.
- Poor LvL rewards
- Decent promos followed by lazy money grabs. Plenty of weak promo masters as well.
- Platinum cards were too expensive to train.
- 8,000 fan forfeit for app crashes.

A lot of people seem unhappy with Madden Overdrive which doesn't bode too well for NBALM since Madden is a much more important game for EA. All I want to see when I open the app for S3 is weekly programs in place, Showdown starting on the first day, Master Joel Embiid sets in place, and improved LvL rewards. Give me something I can get stuck into straight away.


All-Star 1
Totally mismanaged..... ultimate agreement from me on that. It's like they showed up each Monday & roundtabled what they should do that week.
- The "chance" vs"guarantee" BS was awful. It's a straight up middle finger to every customer when they advertise a pack for $100 REAL MONEY & it only gets you a chance at the item you're after. The infinitesimally small chance at pulling a gold from a 10 stamina CHANCE event is further proof. ( Madden OD now lists the odds which is a good thing for transparency, still doesn't do anything to correct the thievery)

- The complete lack of understanding as far as what the die hard players want to see. Why can't LVL be important? Why can't there be worthwhile rewards & reasons for us to never miss a quarter? Achievements were completely overlooked. Why even make an achievement section????Super easy things like that are still mind boggling

- Training wasnt thought out enough.....at all. There should never have been a reason to cap a players OVR like Master Harden. They should never have had to take away boosts. And for all the TP and coins needed to train players, they never gave us more access to coins. Then they installed the Bot in the AH. I think for a majority of players who had coins towards the end of the season..... they wouldn't have had much without the whole "gold glitch" and that includes myself. If I took my starting CLASSIC W lineup and trained them all right now, it would prob cost me more than 100 million coins.......to train ONLY 1/4 of my franchise.

That's all I've got for now


Rookie 1
Things I loved:

Less Lineups: It was so darn expensive to manage last year's squads, anyway play styles still existed!
Royalty LeBron (And free cash!!!): I had some good cards this year, but out of this one that one was my favorite, and gee that free cash is just helping me.
Market: I mean I liked how well I did this year, more than insane I racked up this many coins this season, until those a**hole bots came in.
Objectives: Good revamp and rewards too. Thankfully the season mode objectives/LVL objectives are gone.
Card Art/Game Interface: Way nicer this year, I personally enjoyed it.

Things I didn't like:
Those bots: I know I hate and disdain coin buying, but why would you take the freedom of the market and sacrifice potential profits.
Crashes and stuff: Seriously, -8000 for a crash, plus why the hell did you remove boosts, they were not the cause, it was the PLATINUMS,
Showdown: Heavy P2W BS and an extra 30 seconds dedicated to that "skill". No way I'm happy with that, thank god there's no "Win 1 Showdown game" objective
Platinums: Why did you even add them in the first place when we had Royalty Bron and Master Harden. Plus they were the reason for those crashes.
Classic Lineup: Not my favorite thing. Pretty much playing on recycled Season 1 Summer Courts, and a stupid and cheap filter on every single card.
Laziness and Stingy Outlook: It seems that's pretty much true throughout the game/promos/modes. I guess it's an EA thing.
Legacy Issues: Man why are they still here????????? (SMH)


Rookie 1
What I liked:
the card art
some good promos here and there
Ultimate Legends & specialists
free cash
Lots of boosts.

What I didn't like:
only 2 lineups-I liked the 5 lineups because it had more variety
chaos at the start of the season-the classic lineup was basically useless.
Clutch, Buzzer Beater
stats not corresponding to OVR
cards over 99 OVR
too many pack only cards

there are more but these are the ones I can think of for now.


Rookie 1
Great thread.
It would be awesome if someone working on the game read these and used it as part of the game development but I doubt much in here makes them significantly more money - which is obviously the goal.


Rookie 1
Great thread.
It would be awesome if someone working on the game read these and used it as part of the game development but I doubt much in here makes them significantly more money - which is obviously the goal.

BTW I can probably pass it along, as I can talk with Josh (4katosh) on his Discord server


Rookie 2
Great thread.
It would be awesome if someone working on the game read these and used it as part of the game development but I doubt much in here makes them significantly more money - which is obviously the goal.

BTW I can probably pass it along, as I can talk with Josh (4katosh) on his Discord server

That would be awesome bc that is why I made the thread.

Another thing I want to see is 3 LvL qtrs instead of 2. Even if there are 2 lineups allow one to play twice.


Rookie 2
1. showdown format is good, better than h2h, good rewards
2. Some promos were good and some masters were grindable like playoff, or showdown.
3. The 2 lineups is good.
4. reps is a good idea.
5. grindable cash

1. making bench useless, higher overall doesn't mean better so now they have to add arbitrarily an advantage to higher ovr teams.
--> remove the advantage, make higher ovr players actually better, and add stamina or something to players so that bench will be more useful than random bonus.
--> if someone have higher overall, they should by default have better players and already have advantage.

2. Lack of grinding for events; they removed most events like campus heroes. There are times that the game gets really boring showdown or nothing day.

3. I dislike the training. trained players are not auctionable. Training is very expensive at upper level.

4. It is hard to understand the logic of the AH. what prices does what card sell becomes really messy.

5. active players on classic lineup and vice versa, why separate it if we are going to mix everything eventually?

6. banning people who played it legally and didnt cheat.

7. too much clutch, since there are 2 lineups, clutch and bb becomes overpowered

8. too much crashes, crashes has huge penalty, lagging and other stuff

9. lvl have bad prizes

10. TOTY tokens were not useful after grinding for several months, im just a few steps ahead of not grinding


Rookie 3
Staff member
Since this my first season, can't compare to S1..


- LvL overall concept
- Showdown big improvement over H2H
- Found a tightly knit league that made this game much more enjoyable
- Founding this forum with the other guys involved was also really enjoyable as it always feels good to help people.
- Training cards


- LvL cheating, this needs to be eradicated as it removes most of the competitive excitement
- LvL rewards, this needs to be worked on, maybe tier'd as the season develops
- Random game crashing.. however this makes sense as its a mobile game....
- Training requirements for Plats..
- Coin glitches... I did enjoy making the coin, but the game would have been far better balanced without this..
- I wasn't around during the pre-bot days of S2, however I'd consider the amount of coin made during those times a glitch for anyone who started after as accounts with 200-300mil coin is unfair.
- The most annoying thing I have found in this game is the same card coming out promo after promo... it's really frustrating.


Showdown - An enormous improvement over the previous h2h format and probably the best addition of the season.

Training - I'll put this in both good and bad, for me the good part is that it gave us a different way to improve our lineups without constantly changing players. I don't mind them making trained players unauctionable, as that had an impact on supply and demand and you needed to make a conscious decision about who to train.

Gameplay wise - I initially liked the addition of the extra shooting feedback with percentages. I also liked goaltending calls being added, however they need to sort out how to stop the call being made on a dunk.

I'm struggling to come up with many positives.


CRASHING - This was a horrendous issue for several months for me, without any satisfactory resolution.

LAG - ditto above.

Lvl was basically forgotten about and the rewards were poor. Once showdown was implemented I would have liked to see lvl quarters go to 2:30 as well. I'd say the vast majority of people would play a lot more showdown than lvl, and they could fix the issue with buzzer beater simply by changing the charge time to 2:27 or 2:28.

Coaches - pointless.

Benches - pointless.

"Chance" packs/events - You've got more chance of finding the Loch Ness Monster than getting anything good.

Training - The bad side of training is the enormous cost involved. I'd be happier if it was only training points required, or just a nominal fee like 100k coins per level for an elite, 500k per level for a platinum, etc. It also made the game quite stale over the course of the year because replacing players was a big decision, I played pretty much most of the year with the same lineup which got a bit boring. I know that kind of contradicts what I said earlier, but that leads me to...

Two lineups - For most of the year, we only really used one lineup, yet we had to maintain 20 players, 15 of whom we couldn't actually play with. I'd like to see us go back to having 5 lineups, it's only 5 extra players to manage and it would be more fun to constantly improve our lineups. If the next season as the same lineup system, then at the very least I'd like to see the option in lvl to play 4 quarters and use bench vs bench.

Promos - Some of the promos/programs were good, some were very disappointing (Christmas and Allstar in particular). Overall it felt like there was little advanced planning happening, it's like things were getting changed on the run. Which leads me to...

Special abilities/boosts removed - The handling of these issues was poor at best, with no communication provided. Whatever your opinion on special abilities, if they tell us that someone is going to have 2-3 clutches they shouldn't then be removing them later. It's immoral, unethical and illegal. I know someone will mention the terms and conditions, but they still have to abide by the law. I don't know what the laws in the USA are like, but they wouldn't pass consumer law in Australia, regardless of what they put in their terms and conditions.

I try not to be too negative, but this season was quite frustrating compared to last season, and there were many times I thought about quitting. I've made it through to the end somehow, I sincerely hope they take on some feedback and make next season better than this was.


Rookie 3
Staff member

Showdown - An enormous improvement over the previous h2h format and probably the best addition of the season.

Training - I'll put this in both good and bad, for me the good part is that it gave us a different way to improve our lineups without constantly changing players. I don't mind them making trained players unauctionable, as that had an impact on supply and demand and you needed to make a conscious decision about who to train.

Gameplay wise - I initially liked the addition of the extra shooting feedback with percentages. I also liked goaltending calls being added, however they need to sort out how to stop the call being made on a dunk.

I'm struggling to come up with many positives.


CRASHING - This was a horrendous issue for several months for me, without any satisfactory resolution.

LAG - ditto above.

Lvl was basically forgotten about and the rewards were poor. Once showdown was implemented I would have liked to see lvl quarters go to 2:30 as well. I'd say the vast majority of people would play a lot more showdown than lvl, and they could fix the issue with buzzer beater simply by changing the charge time to 2:27 or 2:28.

Coaches - pointless.

Benches - pointless.

"Chance" packs/events - You've got more chance of finding the Loch Ness Monster than getting anything good.

Training - The bad side of training is the enormous cost involved. I'd be happier if it was only training points required, or just a nominal fee like 100k coins per level for an elite, 500k per level for a platinum, etc. It also made the game quite stale over the course of the year because replacing players was a big decision, I played pretty much most of the year with the same lineup which got a bit boring. I know that kind of contradicts what I said earlier, but that leads me to...

Two lineups - For most of the year, we only really used one lineup, yet we had to maintain 20 players, 15 of whom we couldn't actually play with. I'd like to see us go back to having 5 lineups, it's only 5 extra players to manage and it would be more fun to constantly improve our lineups. If the next season as the same lineup system, then at the very least I'd like to see the option in lvl to play 4 quarters and use bench vs bench.

Promos - Some of the promos/programs were good, some were very disappointing (Christmas and Allstar in particular). Overall it felt like there was little advanced planning happening, it's like things were getting changed on the run. Which leads me to...

Special abilities/boosts removed - The handling of these issues was poor at best, with no communication provided. Whatever your opinion on special abilities, if they tell us that someone is going to have 2-3 clutches they shouldn't then be removing them later. It's immoral, unethical and illegal. I know someone will mention the terms and conditions, but they still have to abide by the law. I don't know what the laws in the USA are like, but they wouldn't pass consumer law in Australia, regardless of what they put in their terms and conditions.

I try not to be too negative, but this season was quite frustrating compared to last season, and there were many times I thought about quitting. I've made it through to the end somehow, I sincerely hope they take on some feedback and make next season better than this was.

lol @ the lochness monster.


Rookie 2

Showdown - An enormous improvement over the previous h2h format and probably the best addition of the season.

Training - I'll put this in both good and bad, for me the good part is that it gave us a different way to improve our lineups without constantly changing players. I don't mind them making trained players unauctionable, as that had an impact on supply and demand and you needed to make a conscious decision about who to train.

Gameplay wise - I initially liked the addition of the extra shooting feedback with percentages. I also liked goaltending calls being added, however they need to sort out how to stop the call being made on a dunk.

I'm struggling to come up with many positives.


CRASHING - This was a horrendous issue for several months for me, without any satisfactory resolution.

LAG - ditto above.

Lvl was basically forgotten about and the rewards were poor. Once showdown was implemented I would have liked to see lvl quarters go to 2:30 as well. I'd say the vast majority of people would play a lot more showdown than lvl, and they could fix the issue with buzzer beater simply by changing the charge time to 2:27 or 2:28.

Coaches - pointless.

Benches - pointless.

"Chance" packs/events - You've got more chance of finding the Loch Ness Monster than getting anything good.

Training - The bad side of training is the enormous cost involved. I'd be happier if it was only training points required, or just a nominal fee like 100k coins per level for an elite, 500k per level for a platinum, etc. It also made the game quite stale over the course of the year because replacing players was a big decision, I played pretty much most of the year with the same lineup which got a bit boring. I know that kind of contradicts what I said earlier, but that leads me to...

Two lineups - For most of the year, we only really used one lineup, yet we had to maintain 20 players, 15 of whom we couldn't actually play with. I'd like to see us go back to having 5 lineups, it's only 5 extra players to manage and it would be more fun to constantly improve our lineups. If the next season as the same lineup system, then at the very least I'd like to see the option in lvl to play 4 quarters and use bench vs bench.

Promos - Some of the promos/programs were good, some were very disappointing (Christmas and Allstar in particular). Overall it felt like there was little advanced planning happening, it's like things were getting changed on the run. Which leads me to...

Special abilities/boosts removed - The handling of these issues was poor at best, with no communication provided. Whatever your opinion on special abilities, if they tell us that someone is going to have 2-3 clutches they shouldn't then be removing them later. It's immoral, unethical and illegal. I know someone will mention the terms and conditions, but they still have to abide by the law. I don't know what the laws in the USA are like, but they wouldn't pass consumer law in Australia, regardless of what they put in their terms and conditions.

I try not to be too negative, but this season was quite frustrating compared to last season, and there were many times I thought about quitting. I've made it through to the end somehow, I sincerely hope they take on some feedback and make next season better than this was.

I would definitely relate on both LvLs and boosts.

I enjoyed playing LvL and yet once SD was introduced, there were no similar changes for LvLs to make match ups more competitive. If at least they put some LvL objectives like stealing, 3 point shot into daily objs, that would be better than nothing.

As for boosts, for a few days after the new year, I had to process the fact that new plats, especially after the LNY promo, had no boosts at all. That was the march madness I think...that shock kinda set me back in further developing my line up, although I still took slower increment steps..ah well, still lost a number of SD matches that I should have won and sealed earlier.
Training was by far the worst thing for me! The costs were so restrictive that I've only used 2 NBA PGs all season and 3 classic PGs (once I started using elites). Once I trained 99 Curry, replacing him was an impossible decision.

I really don't have a best thing about this season. It's a far inferior product to last season.


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