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Ben Wallace


Rookie 1
Do you think that it is possible for me to get the Anthony Davis? I have the Sprewell and the Kawhi. I have 55k and the promo ends on november 3rd.


Rookie 3
We still have 3 more elite exchange from now, so in case you have more 80/81 elites to spare and are lucky to pull all room3 elites, complete 1 more elite through gold exchange (completing the events and first wins in room 3 and 4 should allow you to get enough gold players for this set), and hope that room3 elite's prices drop towards the end of the promo or you have good amount of rep points to buy the grimoire pack , you should still be able to get him. And in case, there is a 1k nba cash pack in store for a guaranteed room3 elite. Goodluck man.


Rookie 3
Sorry, the 1k nba cash pack that i mentioned is not actually a guaranteed elite, so maybe it will be your last option.


Rookie 1
Try to snipe Mike Conley for that amount of money and sell him for around 120k. Then try to snipe two cards, try elite challenge (i was pretty lucky with that).

Now you also get more spellbooks and maybe try to snipe some gold players like Teague, Jacksons (Josh and Reggie) and Buddy Hield for 3K or less.

I did it this morning, got 1st elite by elite exchange, 2nd by grinding, 3rd by elite exchange, 4th bought at 52K and last by grinding and buying golds at 3K since I didn?t have enough to get another elite. You can do it, but you?ll have to buy some relic packs too. Those from bonus pack are not enough.


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