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Pro 2
So I’ve been playing this game less than a year and don’t play any other games. And I’d bet good money I’m older than anyone on this forum (you can ask, I won’t say). About a month ago I resolved to master baseline cam. It’s so different but the great advantage is it shows the D gaps so much better. It’s all I use now.

Today I mentioned in our league chat I used auto switch. One of my league mates let me know auto switch D is for pu$$ies. Well that settled that. Been playing a bunch of SD today with manual D. Took a few games to get the hang of it, but MAN what a difference. So many more passes stolen and deflected. Far fewer open shots for AI’s offense. Hugely decreased shooting percentage for AI offense because most everything is contested now. Fewer AI O rebounds. More blocked shots.

I still mess up - like spamming the Guard button wondering why they won’t frigging switch. But it’s getting better. And best — I’m no longer an NBALM pu$$y. Anyone still use auto switch? I...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Best way to switch is to slide to the switch button and back to the defend button it allows you defend closely without losing focus trying to press the buttons


All-Star 1
Manual D all the way. I'd like to Master the baseline cam bc I feel the same way about the advantages but defending and overall movement just feels clunky to me. Can't get myself to put time into it


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Manual D all the way. I'd like to Master the baseline cam bc I feel the same way about the advantages but defending and overall movement just feels clunky to me. Can't get myself to put time into it
I prefer that angle in console basketball games but I always have it angled higher but sadly you can't do that in this game so it's a no from me because imo it's much harder to see player depth with how low the angle is on that cam compared to the high angle on the regular cam


Pro 2
I prefer that angle in console basketball games but I always have it angled higher but sadly you can't do that in this game so it's a no from me because imo it's much harder to see player depth with how low the angle is on that cam compared to the high angle on the regular cam
You give up some baseline to baseline depth in exchange for side to side depth. I hated it at first. I don’t think I could go back now. Maybe we will get a higher view for season 4.


Rookie 3
Manual D all the way!
Mate there are some oldies in here too, dont you worry 🤜
In SD and LvL as soon as I score also hit AP, why, so that all your team gets back on D. Sometimes with Manual, they like to hand back on O. Strange, been this way since S1


Rookie 1
Yes manual switch helps to control your team better, but the baseline cam is pretty useless since EA does not change their gameplay, A.I still hits impossible shots so I'd rather stick with the pressbox cam. Plus the graphics hurt my eyes when switching to baseline cam 😄

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
I play with press box camera because of that 3pt line(often do a far midrange if i play with baseline cam 😂)Auto defence is a must do after every shot(even works in attacking rebound aswell if shot is missed) but i definetly agree that defending is far easier with baseline than with pressbox cam...someone remembers those early 00' console version of this game ?


Rookie 1
I am old. I play auto switch and pressbox. I'm also lucky if I play three quarters of competitive gameplay a day. This season peaked with Maked Kyrie.

Likewise. Ain't nobody got time for manual switching....I tried a few times and I honestly didn't see much of a difference in Showdown. Other than it being harder to play lol. I'm happy grinding to 400k and top 10k placing each week, so whatever's faster is what I use. And in this case it's auto-switching.
I am old. I play auto switch and pressbox. I'm also lucky if I play three quarters of competitive gameplay a day. This season peaked with Maked Kyrie.
I use both but prefer auto switch too. With the extra second it takes to switch on manual I find myself not getting as many steals. I've mastered auto switch to where I can get a steal on almost every possession. I play manual when i play against a higher ovr only because I have more control and being at a disadvantage makes my other players a.i play loose defense.


Rookie 1
So I’ve been playing this game less than a year and don’t play any other games. And I’d bet good money I’m older than anyone on this forum (you can ask, I won’t say). About a month ago I resolved to master baseline cam. It’s so different but the great advantage is it shows the D gaps so much better. It’s all I use now.

Today I mentioned in our league chat I used auto switch. One of my league mates let me know auto switch D is for pu$$ies. Well that settled that. Been playing a bunch of SD today with manual D. Took a few games to get the hang of it, but MAN what a difference. So many more passes stolen and deflected. Far fewer open shots for AI’s offense. Hugely decreased shooting percentage for AI offense because most everything is contested now. Fewer AI O rebounds. More blocked shots.

I still mess up - like spamming the Guard button wondering why they won’t frigging switch. But it’s getting better. And best — I’m no longer an NBALM pu$$y. Anyone still use auto switch? I can’t imagine going back.
Both have pluses and minuses.. if you masterized your play with manual switch you will never play your best game at auto and the same goes other way. I played switch defense in S2 for some time and I didn't see much difference in margins (I was scoring more but also losing more points), I had more steals with switch button, I had zero problems with switching fast from one player to another but since I played auto-switch for long time I had some habits.. I was doing some things in old way too often and that led to mistakes.. also positioning in defense works completely different if you switch million times from one player to another, so its so much better to stick with just your fav method, doesn't matter if it's auto or manual as long as you feel comfortable with it and have good results it's just all good.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Both have pluses and minuses.. if you masterized your play with manual switch you will never play your best game at auto and the same goes other way. I played switch defense in S2 for some time and I didn't see much difference in margins (I was scoring more but also losing more points), I had more steals with switch button, I had zero problems with switching fast from one player to another but since I played auto-switch for long time I had some habits.. I was doing some things in old way too often and that led to mistakes.. also positioning in defense works completely different if you switch million times from one player to another, so its so much better to stick with just your fav method, doesn't matter if it's auto or manual as long as you feel comfortable with it and have good results it's just all good.
Yep very hard to switch effectively just like switching what side the controls were on I tried that before and holy hell it was much harder than changing methods of switching


Pro 2
I’m still messing with it. I’ll give it a week or so, time enough for new habits to develop. I managed a +20 quarter in lvl tonight, so we’ll see.

The one thing I really dislike about baseline cam is the angle is entirely different in lvl. Makes it difficult for corner shooting. I don’t know why ea would do that but then I don’t know why they do a lot of things.


Rookie 1
You can double team easily on manual and force a turn over via steal or push their player out of bounce. I dont think you can double team using Auto Switch.?
You can double team easily on manual and force a turn over via steal or push their player out of bounce. I dont think you can double team using Auto Switch.?
You can't do it intentionally but it happens all the time on auto switch. Call it an auto-doubleteam lol. I personally hate the double team animation on both manual and on auto as it always leaves someone open. Not a problem against lower ovr players but if playing a higher ovr then it can be a problem.


Pro 2
You can't do it intentionally but it happens all the time on auto switch. Call it an auto-doubleteam lol. I personally hate the double team animation on both manual and on auto as it always leaves someone open. Not a problem against lower ovr players but if playing a higher ovr then it can be a problem.



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