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All-Star 1
Interesting thing about LP is the free master isn’t a lower OVR Harden like Giannis. Baynes is the F2P Master.


All-Star 1
Interesting thing about LP is the free master isn’t a lower OVR Harden like Giannis. Baynes is the F2P Master.
I thought it was ridiculous last month with 2 of the same player, in the same position. This month's LP is how it should be done.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Who are the 84-86 reserve players?
Every player that is in the ASG but isn't starting I pulled 86 Harden which is worse than the 85 base one I only bought the pack to get the court and jerseys which are a waste because they have no boosts at all not even promo point boosts


Rookie 1
if you buy 2 87 and one 88, does it unlock the 90 ?

similar. can you buy 3* 87 and also unlock the 90?

if anyone knows, confirm

Tim pool

Rookie 1
if you buy 2 87 and one 88, does it unlock the 90 ?

similar. can you buy 3* 87 and also unlock the 90?

if anyone knows, confirm
Yes, it will unlock the 90 if you buy all 3 from same conferance. 3 west or 3 east.


All-Star 1
The nuance here is buy vs complete the set. Sounds like you have to complete the set vs buying from AH. I don’t know this for sure but based on AH pricing of the 87’s and 88’s...it’s not likely to work.


Rookie 1
Just be aware that LeBron and KD not only require 3 players claimed first but also they require 40k points to claim grandmaster. This puts them out of reach completely...


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