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Around the World Promo


All-Star 1
I had minimal stamina to start yday.. so ended with 19.5k with using 150 warmup.
26k now. But still only 7 balloons. Post ur team so I can figure out which player I havent achieved..
Btw were there 5 rounds of blitzes yday or only 4.. ?
I think the timer was screwed up yesterday so there might have been an extra first win when the reset happened.



Rookie 2
You could actually end up losing coins if you get Tatum only bc everyone will get him and his price will be under 1M. You use 900k of coin packs on him and he would only sell for 750k at most since he cannot be used in the Kawhi set

Wait. Why can't we use him in kawhi set?


Pro 2
This deploy is all fucked up. I’ve completed more than 2 flash sets, exactly 2 daily sets, have more than 20 flash or daily event completions and still no third red balloon for Rubio.

And who knows wtf these souvenir tokens are for since they still haven’t added the frigging sets.

What a cluster ......

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
This deploy is all fucked up. I’ve completed more than 2 flash sets, exactly 2 daily sets, have more than 20 flash or daily event completions and still no third red balloon for Rubio.

And who knows wtf these souvenir tokens are for since they still haven’t added the frigging sets.

What a cluster ......
Screenshot_20190813-171801_NBA Live.jpg

But whats the point of getting country representative players now if AH is full of them...unless this promo has second part 😂😂


Rookie 2
Sorry. I don't understand the answers

Isn't it we can use 108 ovr to make kawhi? What's special with Tatum?

I saw it getting quoted a few times but I don't understand the answer


All-Star 3
Sorry. I don't understand the answers

Isn't it we can use 108 ovr to make kawhi? What's special with Tatum?

I saw it getting quoted a few times but I don't understand the answer
Certain players cant be put into the sets..
For eg I have the 107 cousy (w/o ability) which I grinded for the last promo thinking that at the least i can put into the kawhi set. Now i checked .. and cant be put into the set.
Maybe the same with tatum


Rookie 1
Perhaps it's a delay while player sets are still available.....The 106 Hardaway can now be put into sets, but the 106 Grant Hill can't.....nor the 107's w/o ability as they aren't auctionable.


Rookie 1
It’s actually red ballon #1. The one that gives you Rubio. lol
Pretty sure you need to unlock all red balloons objective to get him...Coz i already did the red balloon 1 objective yesterday and only got delly or some store offer, not sure though but didnt get rrrrrrrubio...


All-Star 1
Pretty sure you need to unlock all red balloons objective to get him...Coz i already did the red balloon 1 objective yesterday and only got delly or some store offer, not sure though but didnt get rrrrrrrubio...
Well, you just assumed they labeled the objectives the same as the balloons because that would've been logical...but then you forgot it was EA and so you're wrong. 😜 Balloon #1 is actually Objective #2. :rolleyes: In any case, you are both right since you need to complete all 3 objectives to get Rubio but since Objective #2 is broke you can't get him.
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