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Arena Secret Gifts


Rookie 1
Hi guys, I just got the 102 Harden after getting 65,000 arena points. Starting from 70,000 arena points they are all secret gifts. May I know whether you will get any player with 102 OVR or above along the way? Thanks!


All-Star 3
U get a trade chip (gold or elite)
And a choice between (any 2)
Coin/card/boost item.. value varies.. for eg coin can be 10k can be 1 mill


Rookie 1
Btw, I haven't tried the premium tournament. Is the level of competition much toughter than the pro arena? Thanks!


Rookie 1
The most I ever got from Bonus gifts of promos, was a 500k coin exchange card. Surprised there's a 1 million coin exchange card out there after all.


Rookie 1
I just unlocked the 70,000 points secret gift and got a 100,000 coin exchange card, actually that's a very awesome return. Given each level is only 5000 points in increment, I think it's worth investing the 50 coin (essentially free) / 50 stamina to keep going up.


Rookie 1
It devastating when you can't play arena at all duo to bad cinnection ... i am 74 lvl with 102 ovr team an probably could play 2-3 arena matches since this season started


Rookie 2
It devastating when you can't play arena at all duo to bad cinnection ... i am 74 lvl with 102 ovr team an probably could play 2-3 arena matches since this season started
Arena is not always there for me too. It seems some isp don't get it. Cause when I use a public WiFi that is slower. I suddenly get it. So I only get pvp 20 percent of the time. Other time is no available server


All-Star 1
I had an issue yesterday getting matched with someone. Would take a long time and nothing or go back to the play screen almost immediately. I still think it’s too buggy for prime time but let’s add a leaderboard instead of fixing it. 🙄


Rookie 1
I got the same issue as well. Was contemplating to get the 104 lavine but given all these hassles I think it doesn't worth spending the time to grind for it.


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