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Are the new Gasols worth the money?


Rookie 1
Hi there!
Right now, I have 104 Porzingis and 104 Embiid (I won't be able to reach the 106, but the 105 yes) and 101 Horry and 103 Malone in the bench.
I have 19 tokens, if I get another one I could buy one player with cash, and the other with coins. Will it be worth it?
Thanks in advance!


Rookie 1
I mean, I guess it depends on your style of gameplay. For me, I like to play the perimeter game, so I usually end up shooting alot of 3-pointers. If your game revolves around that , I suggest you get Pau. If you're more of a scrappy, in-the-paint kind of player, definitely go with Marc. Overall, looking at the stats, Pau is the much better card, however are they really worth it? For me, not really. Other than the boastful 105 overall they have, they aren't cards that really appeal to me. It also doesn't help that they offer neither a boost or ability. My opinion, keep your tokens, cash, and coins for another time.
To replace 104 Porzingis I'd say go for the PF since you will get 105 Embiid. Unless you put Embiid on the bench and use Gasol on your main line-up. Either way its an improvement.


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