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Anyone Have Success Selling 82 ovr Melo?


Rookie 1
I have tried for about 3 weeks to sell my 82 ovr Melo without any success. Just wondering if anyone has been able to sell Carmelo and what price you sold him for? Thanks!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Honestly no reason to bump as there are many threads discussing the difficulty selling any elite that isn't brand new at the time because you can put it at any price and the only thing that matters is if the bot wants to buy it which is almost always a no


Rookie 1
Honestly no reason to bump as there are many threads discussing the difficulty selling any elite that isn't brand new at the time because you can put it at any price and the only thing that matters is if the bot wants to buy it which is almost always a no

I bumped it because no one answered my question. My question was if anyone has been able to sell Melo what price did they list him for to give me an idea of a good price range to list Melo at.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Honestly no reason to bump as there are many threads discussing the difficulty selling any elite that isn't brand new at the time because you can put it at any price and the only thing that matters is if the bot wants to buy it which is almost always a no

I bumped it because no one answered my question. My question was if anyone has been able to sell Melo what price did they list him for to give me an idea of a good price range to list Melo at.

I know what your question was people sold it for whatever it gets listed for on the AH but that card is a couple weeks old and elites almost are guaranteed not to sell past a few days after it comes out so I'm sure there's close to 0 chance you sell it to the bot


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