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Anyone else feels that grinding events have become a chore ?


Rookie 1
I am getting a little bored of all the grinding events, watching ads, stamina. Its too repetitive and not fun anymore, looks like every single event is just the copy and paste of an earlier one. Anyone feels the same way ?


All-Star 3
Yup. Feel the same.. no stamina even to play sd ..
But tried an experiment this promo.. used all my stamina on the promo in my main acc.. aiming for 3 masters..

alt only first wins and occasional blitzes. Log in every 8 hrs .. Play sd whenever I feel like (will reach legend) and will still get 2 masters.. havent used coin packs or warm up points..

I guess to some extent its our 'choice' how we chose to play the game..


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
They started working on S4 back in January and have rinsed and repeated promos ever since with practically no breaks in-between promos that's how they want it just promos all day every day and to not need to design completely new ones every time
Cant be bored when i burn my stamina in less than 3 minutes. Then i autoplay that 100 stamina event while i do other stuff.
Loving these Shaq blitzes


Rookie 1
I take some promos off, if there isn't a player I want or I cant really make any coins I will take the promo off. it makes it easier to grind when you are not playing the game every single day.
I don't really consider what we have to do for promos grinding anymore. I log in a few times a day and empty my stamina. That's it. In fact, I have the opposite problem -- there's nothing to grind for!

I don't see how anyone can honestly say these novelty promos are as good or as interesting as Summer Courts, Ultimate Legends, Showdown Titans or the Pantheon Masters.

Sadly, I have zero faith in S4 being any good. It seems everything that I want from the game is something EA isn't interested in doing anymore despite it seeming tried and true to me. But I can live with logging in a few times a day. At least I can sleep these days. That was a terrible habit from S1 where I would automatically wake up in the middle of the night to grind the game. Can't say I miss those days.
With unlimited stamina yes it is. Tough to stop grinding when I can just refill my stamina and start again. If I didn't have the stamina glitch then I wouldn't find it a chore.


Pro 1
With unlimited stamina yes it is. Tough to stop grinding when I can just refill my stamina and start again. If I didn't have the stamina glitch then I wouldn't find it a chore.
May I ask what device you use? Also, how are you getting these ads? (I know it’s been mentioned in other threads but I can’t be bothered to dig lol)
May I ask what device you use? Also, how are you getting these ads? (I know it’s been mentioned in other threads but I can’t be bothered to dig lol)
I use Samsung devices and also have a Chinese tablet called Teclast. After playing any 3 live events I get an ad for 25 stamina.


Rookie 2
I am getting a little bored of all the grinding events, watching ads, stamina. Its too repetitive and not fun anymore, looks like every single event is just the copy and paste of an earlier one. Anyone feels the same way ?

Absolutely bored of it. But also feel that showdown is boring too and many other things. That may just be what happens this late in the season.

Earlier on I would grind and be top 1000 top 2500, etc there but I don't need Joe Ingles 107 at this point.
I will take these "novelty promos" over last season SD Titans crap any day. I want players i can use almost immediately, not collecting dupes.

BTW, I'm playing an average of 20 min daily, according to my phone app stats since this Shaq promo started. Most relaxed period of the season


All-Star 1
Anyone know if rep is carrying over to s4? Just too bad that they've made SD completely worthless at this point - not that the rewards were ever really worth it this season (maybe the 104's for a hot minute) but increasing the requirements for the 107's was a real slap in the face to hardcore SD players.


Rookie 1
Yeah unless they up the sd masters to 109/110 w team boosts in a month they wrecked sd... S2 was way better


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Yeah unless they up the sd masters to 109/110 w team boosts in a month they wrecked sd... S2 was way better
Well it was wrecked the moment they made people grind for brand new collectibles on unauctionable cards with shitty stats compared to cards they released the same day that could be bought and sold on the AH
Well it was wrecked the moment they made people grind for brand new collectibles on unauctionable cards with shitty stats compared to cards they released the same day that could be bought and sold on the AH
Completely ruined it I agree. What's worse is that Brian didn't even consider lowering the foamfinger requirements. I just ignore SD these days. I only play it for the daily achievement.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Completely ruined it I agree. What's worse is that Brian didn't even consider lowering the foamfinger requirements. I just ignore SD these days. I only play it for the daily achievement.
Yep I was ready to get Fox and LaVine for at least bench then I saw the shitty boosts on top of the minimum of 5 weeks of top 2500 grinding (barring being really lucky in the 90k rep packs) to get the 2 107s made me officially quit SD after I played the 1 game needed for daily objectives and yeah he hates when people don't like what he hypes up because we are all given whatever we want from EA without any grinding in the game because we work for them... No wait that's just him


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