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Anybody catch what maintenence was for?


Rookie 1
I just received the login reward of 250 stamina and a Harvest pack. Mine contained some tourny tokens, a harvest gold player, and 80 harvest Will Barton.


Rookie 1
Guys, appreciate EA for making the stamina and the pack rewards for us, it really increase my hope in grinding two masters by the end of the promo.

The most luckiest part is that free reward allow me to get a free 86 Serge Ibaka :lol:
Guys, appreciate EA for making the stamina and the pack rewards for us, it really increase my hope in grinding two masters by the end of the promo.

The most luckiest part is that free reward allow me to get a free 86 Serge Ibaka :lol:

Ohhhhh that's niccceee. Some got double golds lol. I'll be happy with 81 Lavine, better than nothing. It's just pack luck that comes and goes.


Rookie 1
Guys, appreciate EA for making the stamina and the pack rewards for us, it really increase my hope in grinding two masters by the end of the promo.

The most luckiest part is that free reward allow me to get a free 86 Serge Ibaka :lol:

Ohhhhh that's niccceee. Some got double golds lol. I'll be happy with 81 Lavine, better than nothing. It's just pack luck that comes and goes.

Thanks Jack, hope we all able to grind the masters we want by the end of the day
When I logged in earlier, I had a maxed stamina (350) and saw the 250 stamina reward... My first thought was "dang! gonna waste another 50 stamina :("... But after I accepts the reward, saw that my stamina cap was increased to 600...
I used my alternate account that I haven't played for months and leveled it up and check what's the stamina limit... and found out that it's 999...
Any reviews to tmac.. whose the best sg right now.. 88 ray and 86 klay i have tried .. anyone else worth trying? How is Houston's 3 ball anyone
I'd say Ray is way better than tmac offensively but tmac kills Ray defensively. Here they are side by side....


Rookie 2
guys, note that impact elites (Lou Williams & Jabari Parker) are now easier to get just 7 tokens each instead of 14!


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