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America’s hero 95-99 actionable?


Rookie 1
Anyone know if I trade everything require for a 95-99 America hero, I can put in at the auction? I?m my Ah i only see 3 platinum. Is it because they not auctionable? Or just no one is selling them?


All-Star 3
I'm assuming they are auctionable bcz they are in the AH.. I guess ur seeing only them because it takes more than 24hrs (to grind out 10 ff tokens) AND coins to build one platinum


Rookie 2
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.


Rookie 1
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.

The one on my ah is at 51 mil with almost 2 hours left. Maybe it?s yours. I think 4katosh is buying it.


All-Star 3
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.

How did u get the FF tokens for the platinum set?.. or u bought all the cards from the AH?


Rookie 2
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.

How did u get the FF tokens for the platinum set?.. or u bought all the cards from the AH?

Bought all plats (Nene 95 and Ewing 96 are the cheapest) for roughly around 5.9-7.5M each.. plat ff tokens are easy to get.. on average maybe 8-10 a day..with light grinding


Rookie 2
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.

The one on my ah is at 51 mil with almost 2 hours left. Maybe it?s yours. I think 4katosh is buying it.

Bots haven?t bought mine yet.. hoping it sells and I make a little profit.. start is 49 mil and buy niw at 60 mil..


All-Star 3
I have Manu but am hoping he sells for 60 mil. Built him for around 35-37 mil.. then I?d wait for a Dirk or Embiid or even a Kristaps(doubtful) master card to keep. Back to the OP everything is auctionable I guess in this promo inc the 95-99 plats.

How did u get the FF tokens for the platinum set?.. or u bought all the cards from the AH?

Bought all plats (Nene 95 and Ewing 96 are the cheapest) for roughly around 5.9-7.5M each.. plat ff tokens are easy to get.. on average maybe 8-10 a day..with light grinding
Ya ok.. ya with grinding the live event with all my stamina. And all the packs got 8 ff tokens.. so was wondering ..


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