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After these first hours in the game, what will be your focus?


Pro 1
Game came with lots of events to keeps us entertained for a good number of hours

But I wonder what will be the focus once the initial campaign events are complete.

Are you guys focusing on Showdown already?

Will you direct all resources to Rookie Promo?

Anyone going after basic achievements via Season games?

anyone already knowing all the boundaries and price limits in the AH and getting a list of the players?


All-Star 3
I finished up with the legacy and live academy events.. halfway thru the rookie event..
Finished one season game.. realised that will wait to c if a master turns up.. dont want to play seasons all over again at a later date.. especially when there are so many live events..
The rookie promo seems to require lot of coin(for the silver and golden ball).. so planning to just keep playing the events once and make gold players and decide in the last week what to do.. bcz they are selling only for 4-5k (heard that's the price cap for 70-74 players...)its obvious the promo is structured to make u burn the coins u earn..
But getting into top 100 of sd will require lot of grinding. Dont think I'm up for it rt now..


Rookie 2
Grinding the rookie promo until I get one of the elites (most likely Trae Young) and then play showdown with whatever time I'll have left.
I?m not going to get carried away with any of the early season stuff. If I can grind out one of the elite rookies I will but I?m not worried about it. Those cards will have less staying power than last season?s Crossroads cards. Apparently, there is a campaign coming out next week that is bigger than the Rookies campaign.

I?m definitely not grinding Showdown in its current form. I think I?ll just concentrate on upgrading my team one gold at a time.


Pro 1
Building my team through the AH.. Same business I?ve been doing since S1. Made a few hundred thousand coins today


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
After completing the legacy and academy campaigns earlier today I was gonna grind the rookie one but it requires way more coins to even complete it then it gives out plus you need to spend a bunch of coins due to the practically store exclusive lottery balls needed for each rookie set for a chance at one of the cards you're better off buying an elite from the AH then building one of the masters


Rookie 3
for a global launch, especially compared to last year, there are only a few glitches..
in a few hrs in bed completed Legacy + Academy..

- the blue ring, shots @ this stage are better
- the LvL glitch, shot 100% in both games from beyond the arc :D
- card art
- the manual switch is perfect, instant switch to the man closest the ball.. FINALLY!
- LEGACY EVENTS!!!! wow, wasnt expecting a whole campaign!
- as you progress, new packs/items open up/become available
- in EU, so having the adverts back for free stamina is wicked

- SD... 20 stamina to FIND an opponent, 20 to play??
- SD, the crazy difficulty to hit ANY shots
- FC'ing and losing the stamina (ahhh for 20 its ok, for 100, this will SUUUUUUCK)
- having to FC too often 2 see event progression


Pro 1
yeah it seems to be the cap @anatdoc, I haven't sold anything above 4.5k in 70/74 golds.

@alekk that jersey format that is required for a card like Trey Young is keeping me away from that goal. requirements seem way too high.

@commondjapan, that other campaign is a rumour coming from a GC or is it basically confirmed?
I wonder what are the end-of-season prizes in SD for top tiers, so I'm still tempted to go with SD for now.

@X020179 don't you get tired of that AH work? :)
arriving in the playoffs, I found AH work in s1 fun and I could spend a lot of time there, specially given the five line-ups meaning multiple markets to explore. but season 2 bored me even before the bot and now it seems even more restricted. It seems you already got some good markets/opportunities tho.

and yeah @Stewie309, it drains a lot of resources, so it may be a wise option to stay away from promo elites.
The 83 Durant was already doing damage in one of the events against me and handing me Ls though, so they should be good.

and I agree @G2
the start of s2 was so bad, that this one looks awesome in comparison. And the return of ads for EU folks like us was marvelous.
I wouldn't classify the LVL shooting as a plus though. It's funny and cool once, but it's still an issue that needs fix xD
I didn't have issues with FC to progress though.
The news about the next two campaigns came from Brian, the lead content designer. He stopped by one of Josh?s live streams and mentioned {among other things} that they plan to release new content each Thursday.


Pro 1
@X020179 don't you get tired of that AH work? :)
arriving in the playoffs, I found AH work in s1 fun and I could spend a lot of time there, specially given the five line-ups meaning multiple markets to explore. but season 2 bored me even before the bot and now it seems even more restricted. It seems you already got some good markets/opportunities tho

Meh. That about sums it up.


Rookie 1
Hi guys,

Just wanna know what everyone is grinding/working on after these few days. For me, it looks like silver and gold rookie players are all I can grind for. And as you mentioned, the cost of building a elite rookie player seems higher than simply buy 1 on the AH. also the stats are not too appealing, so what is your focus at this time point?


Rookie 1
And the weirdest thing is those gold rookie players are not auctionable.. So I can't either make some profit from them or snipe more golds on AH to finish the sets...


Pro 1
I'm playing events for the first wins, and then playing SD and spending the rep I'm getting.
If I don't have time for SD I play the Jeff Green event.

my rookie golds go to the coach set


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