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88 Legends Ewing + Balanced C?


Rookie 1
Hello all,
Is 88 Patrick Ewing a good NBA C? If he isn?t, who should I aim for in the C position for the balanced lineup? I currently have 89 Bamba and he?s not that great at rebounding and my next highest C is 85 NP Cauley-Stein. I?m trying to get an 87+ balanced C.


All-Star 3
Just grind moses malone
Other options are
89 dikembe
88 elevate whiteside
90 steven adams
Edit: just realised u wanted balanced specifically.. Adams or 91 mourning.. Purely rebounding adams will be better


Rookie 1
Nice, I don't think he's that good. Moses and Mourning are both undersized imo. I'm aiming for Adams soon, but he is still expensive and I am waiting.


Rookie 1
Just grind moses malone
Other options are
89 dikembe
88 elevate whiteside
90 steven adams
Edit: just realised u wanted balanced specifically.. Adams or 91 mourning.. Purely rebounding adams will be better

Mourning AI pissed me off, he can shoot those 3's occasionally. Anyways got mine also on my alternate account.


All-Star 1
Mourning is significantly better than his stats based on my experience with him. He?s great for a fast lineup and his size doesn?t seem to affect his rebounding.


All-Star 3
Mourning is significantly better than his stats based on my experience with him. He?s great for a fast lineup and his size doesn?t seem to affect his rebounding.
Didnt find his rebounding 'special'... thats why didn't recommend him.. generally have never found a centre who actually was a beast in game , feel the game is coded that way. I really wish the developers gave some sort of rebounding advantage ti cards like wallace and rodman .. its a crime that theyre not that effective in game..


All-Star 1
Mourning is significantly better than his stats based on my experience with him. He?s great for a fast lineup and his size doesn?t seem to affect his rebounding.
Didnt find his rebounding 'special'... thats why didn't recommend him.. generally have never found a centre who actually was a beast in game , feel the game is coded that way. I really wish the developers gave some sort of rebounding advantage ti cards like wallace and rodman .. its a crime that theyre not that effective in game..
I didn?t mean to imply his rebounding was ?special?. Just meant he was on par with taller centers. Agree with your comments though. If only stats mattered AND they were distributed deservingly. :roll:


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