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3v3 4th of July


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Celebrate the 4th of July and join our 3v3 tournament in all-new half court gameplay with 4 custom street courts!

Play 3v3 half-court games against a streetball team with The Professor, Tristan Jass, and Bone Collector. Beat a squad of football stars with Terrell Owens, Chad Ochocinco, and Juju Smith-Schuster. Prove your mettle against Wizards and 76ers pros.

Earn Graffiti Courts, 4th of July Masters, and a King of the Court boost item. New events available daily with a special Stars and Stripes event in a different campaign each day.

Campaign Dates
Live Date: July 3, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST

End Date: July 15, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST

Campaign Map
  1. Earn Flags from Blitz Events and Tournament Events to earn rewards at milestones listed below.
    1. At Milestone #1, you get the Graffiti Embiid court with 10% Flags boost.
    2. At Milestone #2, you get a Stars token to be...
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Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Promo for coins for me...i dont need any of these masters,could use robinson but probably nothing under 2.5 or 3 to build 106 version...im glad that they made half court 3v3...game will be much better and faster


Rookie 1
I like this idea, though. I will definitely try to get the 107 David Robinson. I really like that they give the fantasy draft points in campaigns now so it's worth playing since it'll help for next year.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
No promo yet still but it's fun to see Tristan Jass in the game because he is from Kenosha Wisconsin which is the next city South of where I live in Racine (Caron Butler's) hometown so nice to see some SE Wisconsin representation in the game
No promo yet still but it's fun to see Tristan Jass in the game because he is from Kenosha Wisconsin which is the next city South of where I live in Racine (Caron Butler's) hometown so nice to see some SE Wisconsin representation in the game
Huh where? Lol.


Rookie 1
I just did the elite league token exchange on the Canada pack (hoping to get Nash or big country) and I didn't get the pack, it said it was rewarding me flags in the 4th July canpaign.....which I also didn't get! So I just lost 12 tokens for nothing at all lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Lol I was just playing because it sounds like the middle of nowhere. Kinda like my hometown of Gary lol.
Gary Indiana?

Where I live it's a township of like 130k people and Kenosha is like 120k both are within 40 miles South of Milwaukee if you're from Gary Indiana I'm surprised you haven't heard of the area since technically Racine is the very edge of the Chicagoland area which Gary is part of as well


Rookie 1
I also don't think that the 10% Embiid court thing is working. I've not been getting 10% bonus points. :(


Rookie 2
i dont know why but i bought a 19.99 pack and it moves u up a ton. i don't know if i can get robinson but oh boy those rebound stats!!!!


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