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2021 NBA Conference Finals Promo


Rookie 1
Wtf is this promo? Are they out of mind to release this crap? There aren't any new players beside store offers and Nash... and progress by trading in ordindary gold players?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Wtf is this promo? Are they out of mind to release this crap? There aren't any new players beside store offers and Nash... and progress by trading in ordindary gold players?
There's another promo coming Monday not sure why they called this one the conference finals one when it was made when 1 only team clinched at the time so either they'll add more to this or the new promo is the real conference Finals promo


Rookie 1
There will be sets for teams which advanced, like in other stages. Otherwise I don't know why Ewing is sold in store, it's a wildcard player.
But I don't understand why they launched so early when literally nothing is ready.
There will be sets for teams which advanced, like in other stages. Otherwise I don't know why Ewing is sold in store, it's a wildcard player.
But I don't understand why they launched so early when literally nothing is ready.
There are four 95 OVR Conference Finals Masters and the 97 OVR Nash. There will also be courts for the teams that made the Conference Finals.
There should be a reveal tomorrow about the Conference Finals Masters on discord and other places. Personally, I am not doing any of the sets until the cards are released.


Pro 2
The Grand Master for the Draft Combine promo is Dame.
Why? Because this team has no forward thinking or contingencies. The playoffs require adaptability and this team can’t adapt. They were set to release Saturday. Rather than hold and, say, give us a weekend Fathers Day promo, they go half-assed and release crap.

and yeah the “new” 5 day promo Monday is Draft Combine. I’ve pulled 91strat Lillard and 81 finesse Derozan.


Rookie 1
So, what's best strategy for doing Draft Combine and Conf finals ? Both have 97 strategy PG masters so I dont care which one I get, looks like both sets take playoffs players... need to focus on 1 of 2 only because of it? I dont even know how to unlock draft promo vip event, lol...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So, what's best strategy for doing Draft Combine and Conf finals ? Both have 97 strategy PG masters so I dont care which one I get, looks like both sets take playoffs players... need to focus on 1 of 2 only because of it? I dont even know how to unlock draft promo vip event, lol...
You can skip the draft combine the good cards in these live today promos are always really hard to get
So, what's best strategy for doing Draft Combine and Conf finals ? Both have 97 strategy PG masters so I dont care which one I get, looks like both sets take playoffs players... need to focus on 1 of 2 only because of it? I dont even know how to unlock draft promo vip event, lol...

You have to pay to unlock the vip events. Something I've stopped doing. You can try getting as many tokens as possible for Draft Combine then buying a lower OVR version off the AH once they become auctionable. That's what people did with Russell, and even with the recent Carter where they build him through the AH


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
has anybody pulled the 87 solomon hill? i have pulled everybody except him and i’ve done the set 10 times already it’s getting frustrating
I finished all the sets in 8 tries luckily it's a 25% chance not a 12.5% chance


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