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2019 Spring Promo


Pro 1
Any F2p players get 2 masters? All grinding and no cash spent. I only seem to get the 1st master with boost. The only people I've seen get 2 or more are those that spend nba cash.
I saw some F2P player I know get 2 masters. He said he would try to get PG but said he probably won’t be able to. To be fair, the guy has basically no life outside of the game, not to be rude.
^^^^thanks for the replies fellas. Looks like i need to grind even more than i already do. I didnt think it was possible to get 2 masters just by grinding. I guess thats what i get for not grinding seasons, only live events.


All-Star 1
I go the 2nd chick and need about 30k for George. If I can get inside 10k I might buy some packs with nba cash. Been grinding season at a ridiculous pace as well as buying all coin packs.
Well, from the sounds of it, 2nd playoff event rewards season play AGAIN. I don’t know if I have it in me! Haha
Lol I'd go insane! Seasons got a long way to go. I played like 3 games, autoplayed 3 more and gave up. I could have auto played a bunch of seasons but if you have a OLED screen you risk screen burn-in.


All-Star 3
Lol I'd go insane! Seasons got a long way to go. I played like 3 games, autoplayed 3 more and gave up. I could have auto played a bunch of seasons but if you have a OLED screen you risk screen burn-in.
Yup got a screen burn in my note 9.. the shoot button is always there..lol
Ya cant imagine going it again for the next promo
Yup got a screen burn in my note 9.. the shoot button is always there..lol
Ya cant imagine going it again for the next promo
Wow that sucks. Exactly what I'm afraid of. I've seen screenshots of people that have the their team burned in because they fell asleep with their screen on lol. The shoot & dribble button is more likely though since its always on the screen when autoplaying and doesn't move.


Pro 1
So, final thoughts on this campaign...

1) The eggs part sucked.
I hated not knowing what to do in the game but I specially hated not knowing what the rewards were (and if I should care about them) and having no clue if I'd be able to get them or not.

2) Got Rodman with an ability and bought Murray for 750k, so I'm happy as to what I got out of this campaign.

3) It promotes season play.
Season play is the best mode in this game for me, but unfortunately it rewards very little.
It's the best play mode for me in the sense that you can adjust it to your liking. I'm starting seasons facing 84 ovr's now, so I can adjust my team's ovr accordingly. You can make it very easy, impossible and everything in between.
This also makes it possible to use players you like and don't get to use normally.

On a side note, my 11 yo daughter was a bit disappointed I didn't get to play with/against bunnies for Easter, since she remembered me playing elves. After she mentioned it I thought about how awesome that would have been and was disappointed too :)


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