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2019 NBA Draft Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief

It’s officially off-season and that means draft time! The 2019 NBA Draft takes place on June 20 and we will closely be following along.

We will release the first 10 picks of the 2019 NBA Draft as they are drafted. In the meantime, earn legendary players from NBA Draft history!

Campaign Dates
Live Date: June 18, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST

End Date: June 26, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST


Campaign Map: 2019 NBA Draft
  1. There are two types of NBA Draft players available: 2019 NBA Draft picks and legendary NBA Draft picks from history.
  2. Earn the legendary NBA Draft picks by completing each set of Draft Pick Combine events.
    1. In order play Draft Pick Combine events, you will need Draft Caps. Earn these from the blitz events.
  3. Exchange Draft Ballot Tokens in Sets to claim 2019 NBA Draft picks once they become available after the...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How good is that monster kid?
In what terms?
In real life he's a great all around defender like Draymond but with the athleticism of Shawn Kemp but his offensive game is hard to peg
In the game I'm expecting all aspects to be OP just because so maybe the first card with all 100+ secondary stats


Rookie 1
So it looks like unless you're located in the USA time zones, you'll be missing out on a hefty chunk of collectibles?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
In real life
Next LBJ or just overhyped
LBJ is the lazy comparison his game isn't really like LeBron's he's not a player that can be confused for a PG people just gave that comparison because he was a highly touted recruit with a big body and great athleticism he's more like a Dray on defense and Kemp on offense but his offensive game can grow like Griffin's did he's a natural PF


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Barrett will be a better pro
I think that's not gonna happen because RJ is like a T Mac clone he'll be good on offense but eh on defense whereas Zion is already really good there and players now days come into the leagues as good defenders or they don't you don't see their defense grow at anything close to the rate of their offense


Pro 2
Soooo, EA Jenny says the first 3 draft picks will be 101, 104, and 106 — just like the legendary draft players. I imagine if we get to carry anything over to season 4 (like EA keeps insisting we will be able to do) it will be the draft players(s).

All in all, IM (unhumble) O, this is underwhelming. The Draymond card is ridiculous — looks like a 101. Maybe it will change. Bottom line, get Draymond and you get #1 pick, another 106. Only make it to #2 combine and you get two 104s. Only make it to #3 combine and it’s 2 101s. And so forth.


Pro 2
PS - the 101 legendary draft pick is listed as a 102. So maybe Jenny mistyped and #3 in the draft will be a 102.


Rookie 1
I’m surprised that EA gets the rights for the draftees right away, I read somewhere that even though those kids gets drafted, they aren’t nba players yet until they sign they’re rookie contracts with their respective teams. Please correct me if i’m wrong.

I’m not trying to be a keyboard warrior I’m just saying

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Draymonds stats are straight doo doo! Easily the worst stats for a 106
Its something weird with those stats...those definetly are not a 106 players stats...maybe we have to unlock achievements to upgrade those stats,something like a hiden gem...if you look at those legendary draft players most of them weren't top10 picks in their drafts(thomas even 60 pick)...let wait and see 🤔

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
I’m surprised that EA gets the rights for the draftees right away, I read somewhere that even though those kids gets drafted, they aren’t nba players yet until they sign they’re rookie contracts with their respective teams. Please correct me if i’m wrong.

I’m not trying to be a keyboard warrior I’m just saying
Yeah you are right i have read something about that to but when it comes to contract and rules in NBA and college basketball things get complicated 😂


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