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110 Steph vs 108 monthly master Lebron?


Rookie 1
How do these two point guards compare? I can’t seem to find a database to do it myself.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Get both start LeBron and bench Curry but get 112 LeBron just start at the 109 LeBron and work from there to the 112 but it will cost you 1500 cash


Pro 2
Hard to tell but doubtful since they haven't said anything about the reset
in the world tour campaign which is literally the thing that gets us ready for season 5, it said something about it ending in 4 weeks about a week ago.... i was going based off that, plus this is the 2nd Halloween campaign we have done this season and thanksgiving/Christmas is around the corner... are we really about to do everything again... until the end of the Next nba season??? 🤔


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
in the world tour campaign which is literally the thing that gets us ready for season 5, it said something about it ending in 4 weeks about a week ago.... i was going based off that, plus this is the 2nd Halloween campaign we have done this season and thanksgiving/Christmas is around the corner... are we really about to do everything again... until the end of the Next nba season??? 🤔
The thing is they haven't mentioned anything about a reset they always give a warning like a month and a half ahead of it happening plus the NBA season isn't until December 22nd at the earliest


Pro 2
The thing is they haven't mentioned anything about a reset they always give a warning like a month and a half ahead of it happening plus the NBA season isn't until December 22nd at the earliest
right right right, but they been slacking all year long too...
and are you saying the next nba season is this december????
once we know when the nba season starts i guess thats when the reset will be 1 week before nba starts 🤷‍♂️


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
right right right, but they been slacking all year long too...
and are you saying the next nba season is this december????
once we know when the nba season starts i guess thats when the reset will be 1 week before nba starts 🤷‍♂️
They are targeting December 22nd with a possible 72 game season but the draft is in 2 weeks and free agency is 2-3 days after the draft they aren't sure yet


Pro 2
View attachment 5462
The timer indicates season 4 ending in the end of dec/20 (25th last time i counted)
Yeah that is likely when it will happen I'm talking about EA not officially saying anything about the reset yet
i understand you both, i was going off the pic too from weeks back when i noticed it had 4 weeks and some days remaining, im just at the point like "uh, end it already" no offense


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