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109 Ovr lookin for active decent league


Rookie 1
Hi, im looking for active league which constantly progressin to higher ovr/decent players. Top 100 league experience. Got discourd or w/e social platform needed.


All-Star 1
You're welcome to join our league. Currently ranked #103 but we're super chill. Don't even use Line/ Discord. Just have fun & play. Name is CLUTCHCAMP or I can send an invite in game


Rookie 1
You're welcome to join our league. Currently ranked #103 but we're super chill. Don't even use Line/ Discord. Just have fun & play. Name is CLUTCHCAMP or I can send an invite in game
Well sounds pretty fine to me. Any plans to next season including making competive active core of players? Active league chat
You're welcome to join our league. Currently ranked #103 but we're super chill. Don't even use Line/ Discord. Just have fun & play. Name is CLUTCHCAMP or I can send an invite in game
Edit: Quoted twice
Last edited:


All-Star 1
I got ya in. Core of us have been together since last season, had a bunch of turnover this year but we are competitive. You don't get to the cusp of top 100 that easily. We just don't want the stress and management of an uber-competitive league.


Rookie 3
I got ya in. Core of us have been together since last season, had a bunch of turnover this year but we are competitive. You don't get to the cusp of top 100 that easily. We just don't want the stress and management of an uber-competitive league.
Can you send me a invite 109 ovr game name pasasee. Thank you


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