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109 overall looking for active league


Rookie 3
If you can't find us just give me your in-game name I'll send you a request
I’m 109 in a small inactive league looking to switch hit me up
We are ranked 860 if you can't find us just give me a name and I'll send you a request
I’m 109 in a small inactive league looking to switch hit me up
If you wanna join an active league we'd love to have you. Our league is Nasty Boys, ranked 45. We have an issue where people can't apply so let me know if you wanna join and we can send ya an invite.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I always had issues uploading a full gameplay video on Line for some reason. It would always ask me to crop the video. We used it for the first 2 seasons then we tried Telegram and never looked back.
Cortes uploads videos sometimes as long as 5 minutes by uploading it through files not through pictures/videos it's very easy but now let's get back to f2palways' thread topic lol


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