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109 Help!


Rookie 1
How do I get to 109, who do I buy and who do I sell?


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Rookie 1
Bench one is your problem to up your OVR, replace some of your bench like curry, Butler, Duncan and MJ will recommend 106 ja or 107 bob for curry, 106 hayward for butler, 106 giannis mvp or 106 zion or maybe 107 bird or 107 rodman if you have much to spend for duncan and 106 yao for MJ but you need to adjust it to your financial condition.
Tell how much coins you have to spend.
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Since you only have 104 Curry start with PG it's not easy to give accurate suggestions without knowing your coin situation


All-Star 3
Not too many coins so I will have to sell some cards. Got about 350k.
C which bench card of urs will get the most and sell that.. and get a higher ovr card with boost.
Butler wont sell most likely.. and curry is unauctionable.. so start with ur pf/c


Rookie 1
I have sold Karl Malone and Ray Allen, I now have 1.35M coins, I will also have the legends select pack available next week, so who do I pick?


Rookie 1
I have sold Karl Malone and Ray Allen, I now have 1.35M coins, I will also have the legends select pack available next week, so who do I pick?

While both as cards aren't the best ones for 107, selling them based on the rest of your cards was a mistake.
Getting to 109 will be much harder now.

Before you sold them you only had to swap bench PG, SF and PF.
With the money you had before, 106 Lin would have been an easy pick for PG.
Use DrJ from monthly for SF and eventually find someone for PF.

Now you have to find at least two 107 cards to replace those you sold from your starting lineup.

Ray and Malone didn't offer any extra stats to the team, but the were easy cards to push to 109 with all the bench extra stats.

At this point you need to get at least three if not four 107 players and one or two 106

That's going to cost you more than 2 maybe 3 million to get decent ones.


Rookie 1
I have my Lineup at 108, I will have the legend select pack available next week. I will then select 107 Karl Malone. I will the get a SG (or buy 107 VC with +3 dunk to team) from the next campaign, it has already been leaked lol. Will this work to get me to 109, if not what should I do?


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All-Star 3
I have my Lineup at 108, I will have the legend select pack available next week. I will then select 107 Karl Malone. I will the get a SG (or buy 107 VC with +3 dunk to team) from the next campaign, it has already been leaked lol. Will this work to get me to 109, if not what should I do?
Dont think so..



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I have my Lineup at 108, I will have the legend select pack available next week. I will then select 107 Karl Malone. I will the get a SG (or buy 107 VC with +3 dunk to team) from the next campaign, it has already been leaked lol. Will this work to get me to 109, if not what should I do?
You already have a thread for this please don't make multiple threads about the same subject


Rookie 1
I will get 107 Karl Malone from the legend select pack next week, I want to get to 109. I think I should get the 106 Lin for the PG bench because he has a boost and I have $375k. Will this get me to 109? I have also attached the boosts that my players have! If it won’t get me to 109, what should I do?


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Rookie 1
If you already claim 107 malone for put in your lineup starters and buy 106 lin for your bench then buy 106 mvp Giannis or 106 zion to replace your duncan it will bring you to 109 but you need make coins first, sell cards what you can.


Rookie 1
If you already claim 107 malone for put in your lineup starters and buy 106 lin for your bench then buy 106 mvp Giannis or 106 zion to replace your duncan it will bring you to 109 but you need make coins first, sell cards what you can.
Ok thank you so much! BTW which one is cheaper?


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