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Simulation Series Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Does anyone know if the ultra and royal courts and jerseys are auctionable and if they're the normal ones of those tiers or some new versions


Rookie 1
Looking at the impossible uphill road to Curry, and suddenly, a thought bubble appears above my fat head:

"Wow, I am looking forward to that influencers campaign re-starting tomorrow". o_O💭


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Looking at the impossible uphill road to Curry, and suddenly, a thought bubble appears above my fat head:

"Wow, I am looking forward to that influencers campaign re-starting tomorrow". o_O💭
Hopefully the 102s have team boost but I doubt it


All-Star 1
Does anyone know if the ultra and royal courts and jerseys are auctionable and if they're the normal ones of those tiers or some new versions
The Ultra courts & jerseys are auctionable. There's one new court, maybe from the Philly program. Philly Wells Fargo court with +3 Post to Team and that one isn't auctionable. Not sure about Royal


Rookie 3
One good thing about this promo is that each packs give 3 gold players (so far), which means 48 gold players a day or around 400 in 9 days. Could complete chip players set without worrying for gold players or spending cash in a while and hopefully it affects the prices in the AH as well.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This promo there is no set correct? So those cards we get we can auction or put in any set?
No sets with the promo and yes they're auctionable since Horry and Cartwright can be used in sets I assume all the other ones can as well


Rookie 1
Whats the other source of points for this promo except the live events?
only Arena?
Whats the best to do other than the live events?


All-Star 3
Promo is pretty simple for 1 master.. dont know if worth it though. U need all coin packs..
Whats the other source of points for this promo except the live events?
only Arena?
Whats the best to do other than the live events?
Arena is the best if u are lucky and keep getting ties. Benefit of live events is the packs at the end.
Then sd
Then season


Rookie 1
Wait a second.... there are significantly less games today. Is the 12,500 still achievable for free?
There's gonna be 4 for games programmed tomorrow, 3 for Friday and 3 for Saturday... Unless there is another round this promo doesn't make any sense


All-Star 1
There's gonna be 4 for games programmed tomorrow, 3 for Friday and 3 for Saturday... Unless there is another round this promo doesn't make any sense
There are supposed to be 73 games in total. I think that it'll put you right on the mark for 1 Master if you do everything, buy all coin packs, watch all ads.


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