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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the fifth season and the start of the sixth season


Pro 1
One more post of this weekly series.

Talk about

* Your general opinion about showdown at the moment
* what were the most memorable quarters you experienced/saw
* how much you're playing - and there's an achievement that counted your number of wins to help us with that.
* season-ending-pulls and whether or not your efforts were worth it.
* The current prizes
* Or any other doubt, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown.


All-Star 1
Completely gave up on SD this week after the first day. Finished with 350k'ish fans +6k rank and didn't lose a minute of sleep over it. I've also finished Elevate and I'm pretty close to finishing Next Gen so I'll have plenty of stamina for Tip Off. I can't believe they're still peddling 80-81 elites as Top rewards in SD.


Pro 1
350k'ish fans +6k rank

You still finished ahead of me :) 321k and 11885th rank. SD quarter achievement was at 558 at the end of the season.

I'm only needing elites+1gold for Next Gen, but I'm impressed with that progress in Elevate as I'm yet to reach 84 in both.

And yeah the rewards should have jumped a bit by the 4th season or so. We are already going to the sixth with the same stuff. I doubt they get 500 ppl in legend again.
Completely gave up on SD this week after the first day. Finished with 350k'ish fans +6k rank and didn't lose a minute of sleep over it. I've also finished Elevate and I'm pretty close to finishing Next Gen so I'll have plenty of stamina for Tip Off. I can't believe they're still peddling 80-81 elites as Top rewards in SD.

Question about Elevate...once one player reached 85 did the tokens switch exclusively to the other player?


All-Star 1
Completely gave up on SD this week after the first day. Finished with 350k'ish fans +6k rank and didn't lose a minute of sleep over it. I've also finished Elevate and I'm pretty close to finishing Next Gen so I'll have plenty of stamina for Tip Off. I can't believe they're still peddling 80-81 elites as Top rewards in SD.

Question about Elevate...once one player reached 85 did the tokens switch exclusively to the other player?
What do you think?! haha

Of course once I leveled RB to 85 my hit rate on Blake tokens immediately dropped. Immediately...
Completely gave up on SD this week after the first day. Finished with 350k'ish fans +6k rank and didn't lose a minute of sleep over it. I've also finished Elevate and I'm pretty close to finishing Next Gen so I'll have plenty of stamina for Tip Off. I can't believe they're still peddling 80-81 elites as Top rewards in SD.

Question about Elevate...once one player reached 85 did the tokens switch exclusively to the other player?
What do you think?! haha

Of course once I leveled RB to 85 my hit rate on Blake tokens immediately dropped. Immediately...

Well, I had hoped they'd do right on this one, since at times it seemed to be balanced but of course they won't do that lol.


Pro 1
The announced changes in SD rewards are going to affect only the ones of the next season, and not the current season right?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The announced changes in SD rewards are going to affect only the ones of the next season, and not the current season right?

It won't have an effect on this season because they will be put into the game on Monday after the SD rewards for this season are handed out already unless they drop the ball and allow a loophole


All-Star 3
Less than 18h left and only 39 people in legend tier :p

I'm not sure if they'll get 100

Its be expected I guess.. just thinking abt stamina for tmr onwards got me spinning.. Halloween.. tip off.. showdown .. never know they might drop harden too.. lol
Less than 18h left and only 39 people in legend tier :p

I'm not sure if they'll get 100

I've played the bare minimum of SD this week, just objectives and maybe a couple extra to test lineups. I just don't see the point of grinding SD when you'd be better off putting that stamina and time in the promo for much better players than any possible reward they give for the current week.

I'm sure a lot of them just grind SD because they like to. I'm one of those people as well, but not when there's a promo that's grind friendly.

Most of them are probably SD vets, but I imagine as you get to 200-500 there will be a huge chunk of folks thinking all they needed was top 500 to get an elite (the ones that aren't veteran players).

For instance, some folks in the 130- 200 rank are currently almost 400K away from legend. I don't think you grind for 1M fans just for fun unless you're unaware of the legend requirement lol. 400K isn't even impossible to do with the time remaining, but it is tough, and you never know what the AI/difficulty will throw your way for playing too many matches in a short period.


All-Star 3
I wonder how many can afford to do that much if they love sd.. cos u need to have a decent team.. ie grind the promo or spend cash..
My assumption is they already have the players we are grinding for..
Some of them do, for sure. Open enough packs at promo start and I'm sure the Wilt event opens right up, lol. Even if I had unlimited stamina, it would drive me crazy to grind the promo a bunch and still grind showdown for legend in 7 days. Most of them are used to getting the latest and greatest player almost immediately after it's available. A couple stuck with their 83 KDs but probably have 85 Lebron back him up, or have them switched. So many had the 85 Lebron I don't think any of them bothered for 85 Melo (probably doesn't help that his career took a bad turn in OKC)
You can buy the keys to unlock Anthony Davis this time round, so these guys will be able to get Davis straight out of the bat and concentrate on getting that 85 SD Curry.


Pro 1
My assumption is they already have the players we are grinding for..

Given we see them having cards like Westbrook or Griffin at 85 very shortly after launch and I am yet to finish Westbrook, they surely get a lot of stamina to redirect to SD in comparison xD


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