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Posting Gold Rookies on AH


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it a glitch that I should wait for them to patch or should I just put them in a set/give up on waiting to sell them

If they're 70-74 put them in the gold coach set and do the rookie lottery event when it opens up in just over 16 hours and closes in just over 17 hours and if they're 75+ use them in your lineup most likely on the bench because almost every gold rookie card is trash so an unauctionable 75-79 makes a good bench piece at the least
Is it a glitch that I should wait for them to patch or should I just put them in a set/give up on waiting to sell them

If they're 70-74 put them in the gold coach set and do the rookie lottery event when it opens up in just over 16 hours and closes in just over 17 hours and if they're 75+ use them in your lineup most likely on the bench because almost every gold rookie card is trash so an unauctionable 75-79 makes a good bench piece at the least

+1 That's exactly what I'm doing too. The gold coaches are pretty easy to sell. It's unfortunate that 50% of the players are non auctionable. I guess they figured out people like to grind promos for profit so they of course make it harder. I didn't think it could get worse than season 2 but boy was I wrong.


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