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Showdown season discussions - end of season 12 / new season 13


Pro 1
it's seems we'll have one more showdown season

so just talk about your results in the last showdown season, final pack pulls, goals for the new season, thoughts about the next player/prize or any new issues or concerns.

thanks all for participating in these discussions!
I wasn't motived by Bogdan Bogdanovic at all so I grinded to Superstar III on both accounts. I used the shards on my main account to train two of my Titans and completed Pantheon Davis on my second account.

I got an unauctionable Fan Favorites card on one account which kind of sucked.

Gary Payton doesn't seem like a great choice for the final Showdown card. Haven't we gotten enough Classic PGs lately? And didn't we get enough Payton cards this year? I mean Payton was good but he wasn't that good.

I will probably play a bit to enjoy some final gameplay with my lineups. Not sure how seriously I'll grind it.


All-Star 1
This was another relatively easy SD season for me. I finished Legend in a couple days and then took a break to grind Rewind and Certificate. Picked it back up again last Monday and found myself in the Top 300. Played a few quarters each night just to maintain and actually improved to around 170 before I went to bed last night. I woke up to 235 and checked leaderboard. Three wins later and I finished at 182. First time I finished a match during the 10 min dark period! Haha

No great pulls but the shards were nice. I have to decide what I want to do. The only SD player I'm using right now in my lineup is Kemp as a bench PF. I just made Penny this morning as well. All other positions already have higher OVR players and I'm not in love with any of the other cards TBH. Realistically, I can probably make Deandre with the exchange. I need 3 shards and have about 40 to exchange. I already made AD so that's probably what I'll do. Sucks though that you can't really train them to max in one SD season. I'll just play it out and see what happens.


All-Star 3
Grinded sd jn the first week.. was in top 100
. Couldnt play last 5 days. Luckily enuf to stay in top 500..
Does anyone know how many shards u get in a sd season till u reach legend..?.I have 26 shards right now and will get 20 at the end of this season.. was wondering if I'll get the 14 in the process.. cos it's a choice between getting AD and training hayward jordan and kemp


Rookie 3
SD is dead to me once i reach legend status.. 20+ shards, trained lowry, kemp + deandre... and picked up pantheon AD

this wk/ season... just for daily objectives @ this stage


All-Star 1
Grinded sd jn the first week.. was in top 100
. Couldnt play last 5 days. Luckily enuf to stay in top 500..
Does anyone know how many shards u get in a sd season till u reach legend..?.I have 26 shards right now and will get 20 at the end of this season.. was wondering if I'll get the 14 in the process.. cos it's a choice between getting AD and training hayward jordan and kemp
Man, I think you'd be really close. Have you ever lost the first match before? I think you go back a couple tiers and earn rewards there as well but I don't recall if you get shards or not. I auto played the first match one time and lost.


Rookie 1
Grinded sd jn the first week.. was in top 100
. Couldnt play last 5 days. Luckily enuf to stay in top 500..
Does anyone know how many shards u get in a sd season till u reach legend..?.I have 26 shards right now and will get 20 at the end of this season.. was wondering if I'll get the 14 in the process.. cos it's a choice between getting AD and training hayward jordan and kemp
Man, I think you'd be really close. Have you ever lost the first match before? I think you go back a couple tiers and earn rewards there as well but I don't recall if you get shards or not. I auto played the first match one time and lost.

I lost a first match once and do not think I got rewards for moving back up.


All-Star 3
Grinded sd jn the first week.. was in top 100
. Couldnt play last 5 days. Luckily enuf to stay in top 500..
Does anyone know how many shards u get in a sd season till u reach legend..?.I have 26 shards right now and will get 20 at the end of this season.. was wondering if I'll get the 14 in the process.. cos it's a choice between getting AD and training hayward jordan and kemp
Man, I think you'd be really close. Have you ever lost the first match before? I think you go back a couple tiers and earn rewards there as well but I don't recall if you get shards or not. I auto played the first match one time and lost.

I lost a first match once and do not think I got rewards for moving back up.
Ya u dont get shards.. guess will just have to play and c and find out


Rookie 2
I don't have a certified player so I busted my a$$ in SD this week just to get platinum. Not worth it. I got an 88 Cousins, and 80 Gortat and a bunch of other nice stuff like shards and tps but at this point in the season who cares. I will be coasting this week and maybe finish at Superstar 1 or 2.


All-Star 1
Man, I think you'd be really close. Have you ever lost the first match before? I think you go back a couple tiers and earn rewards there as well but I don't recall if you get shards or not. I auto played the first match one time and lost.

I lost a first match once and do not think I got rewards for moving back up.
Ya u dont get shards.. guess will just have to play and c and find out
Here's what I know for sure:

Pro I & II - one shard each
All-Star I, II & III - two shards each
Superstar I & II - three shards

Based on this, I'd say you're likely to get 14 by Legend but I'll keep updating this post in case I'm ahead of you.


All-Star 3


Pro 1
how's the bar for top800/top1000 this season? I guess I'm not too far, having 1.6M in roughly 1300th place.

Not much to do with the player reward, but I kinda wanted to the end the season in a top again.


Rookie 3
1.916m = 816 fans..

2m MAY be enough for top 1000 :D :D

as theres niothing going, peopes are gunning for those last TP's my thinks


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