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Event timeline + upcoming players


Rookie 3


26 Su: rewind
27 M: ?
28 T: rewind - bird (set) + carter (pack)
29 W: rep packs (for peja) AH SHUTDOWN!!
30 Th: rewind
31 F: certified - Francis (set) + DS jr (pack)
1 Sa: certified... END of showdown - Gary Payton
2 Su: end of S2

Rewind players (Tuesday):
3rd last: F+I - iverson (set) + simmons (pack)
2nd Last: LNY - durant (set) + rodman (pack) - thanks stewie!
Last wk: MM - bird (set) + carter (pack) - thanks stewie!

Certified players (Friday):
tomorrow: pg classic power stockton (set) - thanks stewie!
pf nba shoot AD (pack)
2nd last: pf nba balanced Dray (set) - thanks stewie!
sg classic RnG GHill (pack)
last: sg classic power SFrancis - thanks stewie!
pg nba def Dennis Smith Jr (pack)

via stewie:


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Durant, Bird, Stockton, Draymond, and Francis are all set cards with Rodman, Carter, DSJ, AD, and Hill being pack cards
On Asia, I assume the season will end at midnight on Monday, September 3rd. That will give four hours from the time the Showdown season ends until the time the app shuts down.

Does anybody know if they always drain the AH on these mobile games? If they start draining the AH before the end of the Showdown season then Payton will a non-factor in terms of coins.

If there is some kind of token set to help folks complete Pantheon players then I guess it will come in the final week.

I would be surprised if Rewind Durant and Bird are set cards.
Durant, Bird, Stockton, Draymond, and Francis are all set cards with Rodman, Carter, DSJ, AD, and Hill being pack cards

Well, there you go. I'm surprised. I don't really understand why EA believe people would want to spend money on those pack cards but I'll take it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
On Asia, I assume the season will end at midnight on Monday, September 3rd. That will give four hours from the time the Showdown season ends until the time the app shuts down.

Does anybody know if they always drain the AH on these mobile games? If they start draining the AH before the end of the Showdown season then Payton will a non-factor in terms of coins.

If there is some kind of token set to help folks complete Pantheon players then I guess it will come in the final week.

I would be surprised if Rewind Durant and Bird are set cards.

Yes they always drain the AH because it makes the update way easier because you can't have cards from this season showing up on next season's AH


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This should answer everyone's questions on the set and pack cards and what order the set cards (and Rewind pack cards) come in


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
how do you fast forward asia almost 3 wks??!! :D

Not Asia I only did that once on Asia because I didn't feel like waiting 2 1/2 hours to see the proof on which F&I card was the set one I do all of that on global usually and since I did that I almost never touch Asia anymore
I had a peek forward too and saw all the token exchange sets for the Certified players. I think you can safely assume that there won't be a way to grind the older players.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I figured it out...
This week is Stockton (set) and AD (pack) for certified
Next week is KD (set) and Rodman (pack) for rewind with Draymond (Set) and Hill (pack) for certified
The week after that is Bird (set) and Carter (pack) for rewind with Francis (set) and Smith Jr. (pack) for certified
I figured it out...
This week is Stockton (set) and AD (pack) for certified
Next week is KD (set) and Rodman (pack) for rewind with Draymond (Set) and Hill (pack) for certified
The week after that is Bird (set) and Carter (pack) for rewind with Francis (set) and Smith Jr. (pack) for certified

Damn! I knew it wouldn't work out in my favor. I wanted Hill and Smith Jr. to be the sets. Of course Stockton just gotta be the set, someone at EA has a twisted sense of humor lol.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I figured it out...
This week is Stockton (set) and AD (pack) for certified
Next week is KD (set) and Rodman (pack) for rewind with Draymond (Set) and Hill (pack) for certified
The week after that is Bird (set) and Carter (pack) for rewind with Francis (set) and Smith Jr. (pack) for certified

Damn! I knew it wouldn't work out in my favor. I wanted Hill and Smith Jr. to be the sets. Of course Stockton just gotta be the set, someone at EA has a twisted sense of humor lol.

Yeah the worst (by far) 100+ card is the set instead of one of the best because they have to make people spend cash


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