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Now they need to stop the league hopping

But that will never happen

It?s just as bad as glitching, we kill this team replay them and they all 105s now and all different names. What a joke gets f-ing life


All-Star 1
Do you know if you can earn more tokens this way? I hate League hopping too but I need about 20 more League tokens than I can earn in the time left! Does Medved need a 102?! Haha


All-Star 1
You don?t get any tokens if you play more than one league a day.
Thanks for confirming. I think EA needs to address this then. 100 League Tokens in 1 month with 11 possible per week makes this the only set you can't complete from scratch since the Pantheon promo began. Not to mention, unlike the Rep pack set, there was no other set to spend rep on so stockpiling was forced. That's not the case with League tokens - especially if you consider the training pack which was virtually essential considering the high cost of training. The triple double pack, 84 and 87 FF sets were obviously less desirable but still available nonetheless.


Pro 1
Maybe EA intended it this way: to encourage some players to league hop.

If not, they can always make the tokens easy to get later on. Maybe eventually they will anyway.


Rookie 1
Maybe EA intended it this way: to encourage some players to league hop.

If not, they can always make the tokens easy to get later on. Maybe eventually they will anyway.

As Jonbronbron mentioned earlier, you don?t get any tokens if you play more than one league tourney a day. To be more precise, if you abandon the league while the tourney still takes place and even return before the same tourney ends, you only get a training pack instead of a league token despite winning the tourney. This has been an implemented countermeasure to discourage league hopping earlier in the seaon to get fan favourite players too fast.


Rookie 1
You don?t get any tokens if you play more than one league a day.
Thanks for confirming. I think EA needs to address this then. 100 League Tokens in 1 month with 11 possible per week makes this the only set you can't complete from scratch since the Pantheon promo began. Not to mention, unlike the Rep pack set, there was no other set to spend rep on so stockpiling was forced. That's not the case with League tokens - especially if you consider the training pack which was virtually essential considering the high cost of training. The triple double pack, 84 and 87 FF sets were obviously less desirable but still available nonetheless.

Excellent points and EA definitely needs to address this issue regarding league tokens. They could have exchange sets such as shards for league tokens etc. 100 league tokens is just ridiculous without prior announcements. But that is just EA for you.


All-Star 1
You don?t get any tokens if you play more than one league a day.
Thanks for confirming. I think EA needs to address this then. 100 League Tokens in 1 month with 11 possible per week makes this the only set you can't complete from scratch since the Pantheon promo began. Not to mention, unlike the Rep pack set, there was no other set to spend rep on so stockpiling was forced. That's not the case with League tokens - especially if you consider the training pack which was virtually essential considering the high cost of training. The triple double pack, 84 and 87 FF sets were obviously less desirable but still available nonetheless.

Excellent points and EA definitely needs to address this issue regarding league tokens. They could have exchange sets such as shards for league tokens etc. 100 league tokens is just ridiculous without prior announcements. But that is just EA for you.
Thanks for your post. I was starting to feel like I was crazy for feeling this way since no one else has really commented on it.


Pro 1
Maybe EA intended it this way: to encourage some players to league hop.

If not, they can always make the tokens easy to get later on. Maybe eventually they will anyway.

As Jonbronbron mentioned earlier, you don?t get any tokens if you play more than one league tourney a day. To be more precise, if you abandon the league while the tourney still takes place and even return before the same tourney ends, you only get a training pack instead of a league token despite winning the tourney. This has been an implemented countermeasure to discourage league hopping earlier in the seaon to get fan favourite players too fast.

Gotcha,,, thanks


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