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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Pro 2
any information on season 3 cards (players, courts, jerseys, boost items) ? some i was able to put into sets awhile back, but i still have some that i would like to put into sets or something to gain from, instead of plain coins


Rookie 2
any information on season 3 cards (players, courts, jerseys, boost items) ? some i was able to put into sets awhile back, but i still have some that i would like to put into sets or something to gain from, instead of plain coins

I noticed the set for mm is able to take on season 3 cards.
And randomly the jj redick promo too. It's too random tho


Rookie 2
The shooting lineup doesn't play defense anymore.

I think they're doing a zone defense. But no one is closing out drives anyway. Aside from no one is closing out shooters due to the zone. Add the broken switch. You basically can't defend

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
The shooting lineup doesn't play defense anymore.

I think they're doing a zone defense. But no one is closing out drives anyway. Aside from no one is closing out shooters due to the zone. Add the broken switch. You basically can't defend
I was using sharpshooter coach but since game update I'm now using lockdown, the sharpshooter right now is not good players are passing and dunking so bad


Pro 2
Screenshot_20200719-172342_NBA LIVE.jpg

This is another annoying thing. A steal is a steal. A block is a block. When I'm following the restrictions, I should win. FIX THIS CRAP.


Rookie 3
View attachment 4731
This is another annoying thing. A steal is a steal. A block is a block. When I'm following the restrictions, I should win. FIX THIS CRAP.
Blocks and steals have never registered correctly. If you smack away a shot, why is it not a block? If you swipe away the ball and your teammate picks it up, why is that not a steal? Why is an alley-oop not registered as an assist? Or a dunk? Why, if you have to grab 2 rebounds, are offensive rebounds the only ones that are counted? And why does every half court shot suddenly go straight through the net, regardless of timing, when your goal is to grab rebounds?

The defensive aspect of the gameplay has been broken since I started playing this game and has gotten worse with every single “refinement” EA has implemented. I don’t even bother with the Lockdown events anymore because of this BS.


Pro 2
Blocks and steals have never registered correctly. If you smack away a shot, why is it not a block? If you swipe away the ball and your teammate picks it up, why is that not a steal? Why is an alley-oop not registered as an assist? Or a dunk? Why, if you have to grab 2 rebounds, are offensive rebounds the only ones that are counted? And why does every half court shot suddenly go straight through the net, regardless of timing, when your goal is to grab rebounds?

The defensive aspect of the gameplay has been broken since I started playing this game and has gotten worse with every single “refinement” EA has implemented. I don’t even bother with the Lockdown events anymore because of this BS.
i only do it for the free pack, or to try and get the requirements (for free) for the live pass


Rookie 3
Does anyone know if you can trade in the 105 nickname set multiple times? I’m two players shy of a full set, but don’t want to spend coins on them only to find out I can’t cash the set


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